Project Frontier Abstract
The Northwest Kansas Education Service Center (NKESC) proposes to implement a School-Based Trauma-Informed Support Services and Mental Health Care for Children and Youth program titled Project FRONTIER (FRontier Outreach to Needs for Traumatology in Education Resources). The services and interventions planned for Project Frontier (PFR) are built upon evidence-based practices, as well as first-hand knowledge of proven success in the field working with youth in NW Kansas. NKSEC, located in Oakley, KS, is a comprehensive service agency and considered a local education agency (LEA) under Kansas law. NKESC provides academic services, social services, second language services, early childhood services, vocational rehabilitation services, and emotional/counseling services to a total population base of approximately 40,000, with a student base of approximately 6,700 students (US Census, 2020/KSDE, 2022). The Service Center employs approximately 285 certified and non-certified staff. The geographic area of NKESC encompasses over 12,000 square miles across the thirteen most northwesterly counites in Kansas. NKESC will partner with 17 unified school districts (USDs) located in the counties served by NKESC and High Plains Mental Health Center. The Kansas Department of Health classifies these counties as not even rural counties, but frontier counties, due to a population density lower than 6 people per square mile.
PFR will serve 200 participants per year and 800 participants for the life of the project. The overarching goal of the project is to increase the capacity of the 17 partner USDs to provide access to trauma-support services and mental care to meet the needs of affected students in order to break the cycle of violence and trauma in the families and communities. The project will accomplish this goal through adherence to the following four objectives: Objective 1: Develop and operationalize an annual school-based trauma-informed support and mental health services implementation plan; Objective 2: Develop and implement an annual training plan for teachers, teacher assistants, school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel; Objective 3: Develop and implement an annual family and community engagement plan to increase awareness of the impact of trauma on children, youth, and families; and Establish and implement an annual local interagency agreement. The project will complete the following four measurable outcomes aligned with the objectives: 1) There will be a 5% annual increase in the number of students in schools served by PFR receiving school-based and community mental health services to address needs resulting from exposure to trauma; 2) School staff will show a 5% annual increase in confidence level with identifying and reporting student mental health concerns; 3) There will be a 5% annual increase in the percentage of parents/families reporting increased engagement with CBOs as measured by a project- developed parent engagement survey; 4) Community agencies will report a 5% annual improved satisfaction with school-based interactions and outcomes.