South Carolina Zero Suicide Initiative's (SCZSI) focus is to implement the Zero Suicide intervention and prevention model for adults throughout mental health systems. Partners to achieve this goal include the South Carolina Department of Mental Health's (SCDMH) Lexington County Community Mental Health Center (LCCMHC), SC Department of Corrections (SCDC), and SCDMH's Department of Inpatient Services (DIS), including their forensic program. These mental health care systems provide treatment and support to thousands of people throughout SC. They will work on addressing concerns regarding the increasing rates of self-harm, increasing need for policies and procedures regarding collaborative care transitions, and the increasing need to address social determinants of health (SDOH). Highlights of this project include training for both clinical and non-clinical staff in population of focus (POF), increasing collaboration through Zero Suicide Task Force (ZDTF) participation, developing policies and procedures related to discharge and transitions, and sharing of data addressing behavioral health disparities and SDOH. It is estimated that roughly 50,000 individuals will be served each year of the project through training, outreach, presentations, and treatment. Training that will be implemented throughout this project include LivingWorks, ASSIST, safeTALK, Talk Saves Lives for Corrections, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP), CBT for Anxiety, DBT for Prolonged Exposure to PTSD, Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR), NAMI New Hampshire Survivor Voices- Sharing the Story of Suicide Loss, and Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS). SCZSI hopes to apply lessons learned from this grant, as it did with the successful 2018-2023 SCZSI, to statewide systems of care to have SC become as ZS state.