Rhode Island's System Engagement and Navigation (RISEN) will provide Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness. The program's goals will address system collaboration to expand access to mainstream resources as well as create pathways to treatment, eviction prevention, affordable and supportive housing. The goals will be accomplished by expanding teams that focus on persons experiencing homelessness and those at imminent risk of homelessness. The team will have new positions defining expanded services and be constructed using the innovated practice of interagency staffing to leverage broader support and collaboration. Additionally, a state level steering committee will leverage existing resources, strengthen relations via the development of memorandums of understanding between state departments, foster warm handoffs and eliminate barriers to services.
It was estimated that the total homeless population in RI was 1,071 individuals making up 0.1% of the state population. The RI homeless population increased by 48% from 2020 to 2022 (AHAR) and was among the highest in the nation. RI was also the third state with the largest percentage increase in chronic patterns of homelessness (115% or 225 individuals) from 2020 to 2022. In RI State Fiscal Year 2022, 4.9% of individuals receiving mental health treatment services at a BHDDH licensed facility were homeless or living in shelters compared to 2.8% nationally (BHOLD/URS). However, only 2.5% of adults with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) were receiving treatment.
The RI Continuum of Care identified 125 SMI, recently housed individuals that had a history of chronic homelessness, that are in danger of eviction as well as a potential cohort from 800 individuals referred from the public housing authority as having potential behavioral health conditions and housing instability, needing screening. RISEN will focus on 3 priority populations: individuals/families who had experienced homelessness and have been housed but need assessment and navigation to treatment services to maintain their housing as a preventative measure; unsheltered; sheltered.
RI will use the strategy of increasing positions on the homeless service teams at 3 strategically located providers. Expanded positions will include residential, stabilization and housing services, health navigator including an RN, intensive case managers, and clinicians. Additionally, this grant will provide the vehicle of a statewide steering committee that will improve collaboration and statewide oversight.
RISEN has 3 primary goals 1) increase retention from eviction due to untreated mental illness and substance use conditions through engagement, screening and referral to treatment 2) increase outreach, screening and referrals to treatment for the unsheltered and those living in shelters 3) increase collaboration between health and human services agencies and housing agencies to reduce barriers and increase capacity for supportive housing. The estimated total # of outreach contacts are estimated at 1,800. For #1, RISEN will begin screening 75% of the referrals within 3 months of the award and retain a 100% screening rate for the duration of the project, estimating 1,350 screenings. For #2, RISEN will screen 75% of those unsheltered and sheltered by 6/30/25, with the expectation of screening 100% of this population throughout the 5 year grant period, estimating an additional 1,350 screenings. For goals #1 and #2, an estimated 675 will be enrolled in treatment. For #3, RISEN's objectives by 1.30/25, 5 new Housing Stabilization Services providers certified by the state and 75% of existing providers will increase billing by 25%. Annually, increase collaboration and resource sharing among providers and all of the RISEN providers by the end of the grant, to enhance services statewide.