In response to SM-23-008, McDermott Center, DBA Haymarket Center, proposes “Haymarket SEP.” Haymarket SEP will engage 238 adult Chicagoans over 5 years to overcome undertreated mental health and substance use disorders. Haymarket SEP will be data-driven and results-oriented, using the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support intervention model of Supported Employment and clinical interventions to bring employment rates from 0% to 60%.
Goal 1. Secure competitive employment for 142 adults over five years by providing intensive employment and supportive services (22 in YR 1, 30 in YRs 2-5).
1.1. Enroll 238 adults aged 18 and older who have one or more mental health disorders, an SUD, and mental health-related barriers to employment (38 in YR 1, 50 in YRs 2-5).
1.2. Develop individual employment plans (IEPs) for 228 participants (96%; 36 in YR 1, 48 in YRs 2-5).
1.3. Provide employment navigation to 214 adults (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5).
1.4. Among 214 participants (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5), review employment status and progress toward goals in the IEP within 120 days of project enrollment.
1.5. Achieve first contact between 214 participants (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5) and an employer within 45 days of enrollment.
Goal 2. Strengthen the underlying prospects for independent living among 214 adults over five years (90% of enrollments; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5) by providing comprehensive supportive services.
2.1 Provide mental health counseling to 214 adults (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5).
2.2 Provide benefits navigation to 214 adults (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5).
2.3 Provide primary medical care to 214 adults (90%; 34 in YR 1, 45 in YRs 2-5).
Goal 3. Implement 4 strategies to create sustained, wide-reaching impact.
3.1 Contact 100 businesses over five years (20 in YRs 1-5).
3.2 Conduct outreach to 50 possible referral sources (10 in YRs 1-5) over five years.
3.3 Within six months of the project start date, submit a plan to achieve long-term employment stability among participants.
3.4 Within six months of the project start date and within six months of the project end date, submit plans to sustain project activities past the project period.