The proposed project will occur within the underserved area of Guilford County, North Carolina, and the immediate surrounding area. Access to mental health services is a significant challenge, as the mental health workforce is limited and the county is designated by HRSA as a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area.
Clover Educational Consulting Group (Clover) proposes to bring evidence-based mental health awareness and training to 1) Institutions of higher education personnel who interact with college students; 2) Families, caregivers, and service providers in contact with armed services personnel, veterans, and their families; 3) Parents and caregivers of children and youth with or at risk for a serious emotional disturbance or youth experiencing a first episode of psychosis; and 4) Community leaders, faith-based leaders, and other trusted individuals and organizations within diverse racial, and ethnic, sexual and gender minority communities. The trainings will focus on serving youth and adults at high risk of mental health disorders and suicide in northeast Texas, to include college students, college student Veterans, children, and communities of color. The identified populations of focus were chosen due to their high risk of mental health symptomatology and suicide and the underserved nature of the populations. Clover has developed collaborative partnerships with 3 local agencies in the region who have committed to hosting trainings, assisting with the response to mental health issues, and to improving the coordination of services to the populations of focus. These organizations are High Point University, North Carolina A&T State University, and YWCA High Point. Each organization has attested, via a Letter of Commitment, to their support for the project and has described in the LOC how they will facilitate the recruitment of a sufficient number of individuals to be trained.
The three goals of the project are as follows: Goal 1- Increase the number of individuals within local Higher Education and Community Organization partner sites trained to identify and respond to signs and symptoms of Mental Health issues in the populations they serve.; Goal 2- Increase the number of individuals within local Higher Education partner sites trained to identify and respond to risk factors and indicators of suicidality in the populations they serve.; and Goal 3- Increase the availability of culturally-competent mental health awareness and resource materials in the target region. If funded, the proposed project will provide training for 1,080 individuals over the three-year grant term.