Centerstone’s ACTion in Florida will expand and maintain a recovery-oriented Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program according to fidelity to improve behavioral health outcomes and support community living for adults (18+) with serious mental illness (SMI). ACTion’s multi-disciplinary team will provide all ACT Core Services for 55 unduplicated focus population adults in Manatee and Sarasota counties, Florida (Y1: 30; Y2-4: 7/yr.; Y5: 4).
ACTion’s focus population comprises an anticipated 35,919 (5.2%) catchment area adults with SMI whose demographics and socioeconomics are expected to mirror those of Centerstone’s clients with SMI, with 68% male, 32% female, 83% White, 14% African American, and 8% Hispanic/Latino individuals. An estimated 70% live below poverty, 74% are unemployed, and 49% have less than a high school diploma/GED. ACTion will serve subpopulations from among the area’s estimated 70,372 Veterans; individuals from minority communities, including 113,973 racial/ethnic minority and/or 31,774 LGBT adults; and/or 7,864 criminal justice-involved adults.
ACTion will be implemented according to SAMHSA’s ACT Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Knowledge Informing Transformation (KIT), integrating strategies to ensure culturally competent, trauma informed, and recovery oriented care according to SAMHSA’s TIP 59: Improving Cultural Competence; TIP 57: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services; and the Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) Resource Guide. Additional EBPs will be integrated to complement implementation of core ACT services (e.g., evidence-based supportive therapies will include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and CBT for Psychosis; SUD treatment, Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders; support services, Whole Health Action Management; etc.). Key ACTion strategies/interventions include community collaborations, program standards, key plans (i.e., Training, Evaluation, Continuity of Operations/Sustainability), an Advisory Group, outreach/engagement, crisis assessment/intervention, comprehensive assessment, Individual Treatment Plans, SMI treatment/interventions, illness management and recovery, supportive therapy, substance use treatment, recovery/support services (e.g., employment and benefit assistance, activities of daily living, peer support), and case management.
ACTion’s 4 goals with measurable objectives include: Goal 1: Expand/maintain an ACT project comprising core services and characteristics, and assemble/train 6.5 FTEs and provide ACT core services, assessment, crisis intervention/treatment, and recovery/support services to 55 adults. Goal 2: Develop capacity to expand/maintain a comprehensive service continuum, and establish an Advisory Group comprising 20% clients/family and other stakeholders; review/refine 5 policies/procedures; expand/maintain Letters of Commitment from 20 stakeholders; conduct outreach to 250; provide basic/intensive ACT training to 8 project staff and ACT model training for 950 agency staff/community providers; develop 2 strategies to address staff turnover/cross training; and identify 2 funding mechanisms for sustainability. Goal 3: Improve client health status/outcomes, and reduce mental health symptomatology among 70% and suicide crisis among 80%; link 100% in need with employment/education; and achieve 50% with low/no problems related to substance use, 80% with no past 30 day homelessness, 80% with no past 30 day hospitalization, 60% with no past 30 day criminal justice involvement, 80% reporting functioning well in daily life, 80% with positive perception of care, at least weekly interaction among 80%, 80% knowing who to call from the ACT team, and social connectedness among 70%. Goal 4: Develop/refine a replicable service model, and report annually on a comprehensive evaluation and biannually on subpopulation disparities; collect/analyze demographic data; and produce 5 materials for dissemination/replication.