MCCC is applying for funding under the FY23 Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program to expand the organization’s current ACT programming for transition-aged youth and adults with serious mental illness (SMI) or serious emotional disturbance (SED). The need for this project and the expansion and maintence of programming stems from the increase in mental illness that has been seen due to direct impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by the rural community and the staffing challenges in finding licensed behavioral health providers that can provide the care residents need at an affordable cost within the community.
Objective 1: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 70% of consumers will reduce their use of inpatient services (e.g., residential, hospitalization) as a result of SMI or COD.
Objective 2: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 60% of consumers will reduce their substance use.
Objective 3: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 65% of consumers will reduce their rate of hospitalization through integrated primary health care offered by MCCC.
Objective 4: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 40% of consumers who smoke will engage in tobacco cessation services to reduce their past 30-day use.
Objective 5: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 70% of consumers will reduce the number of days of homelessness.
Objective 6: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 65% of consumers will increase their use of recovery/peer support services.
Objective 7: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 60% of consumers will improve their employment status and/or access to disability benefits.
Objective 8: By the end of the 5-year grant period, at least 80% of consumers will increase their access to eligible public benefits/health insurance.
Objective 9: Expand the organization’s current ACT program, identifying best practices and lessons learned from the organization’s current programming, expanding access to ACT services by at least 330 consumers over the five-year program.
Objective 10: Review the organization’s standardized policies and procedures for program admission, service provision, and transitions to a less intensive level of care, as appropriate, reviewing these policies by end of the first year of funding and continuously reviewing over the course of funding and beyond.
Objective 11: Expand core ACT services, including comprehensive assessment, crisis, illness management/recovery, individual supportive therapy, SUD treatment, peer/family support, employment programming, assistance with daily living, enhancing support networks, case coordination and psychotropic medication services, increasing the number of active attendees in programming by at least 50 in the first year.
Objective 12: Enhance a sustainability plan that will equip providers with the knowledge, skills and resources to address SMI and SED and connect with vulnerable populations to reduce mortality and hospitalizations.
Objective 13: MCCC will conduct basic ACT training, utilizing the SAMHSA Using Multimedia to Introduce your EBP tool, across community organizations, providing at least 10 trainings each year of programming.
Objective 14: MCCC will conduct more intensive training for MCCC staff including the SAMHSA Training Frontline Staff and Evaluating Your Program sessions, ensuring 100% of applicable staff have access to intensive ACT training to carry out their daily job functions.
Objective 15: MCCC will enhance the organization’s sustainability plan that will focus on ensuring all services are billed monthly under Medicaid billing rates, monitor changes across billable services and work to identify state and federal funding to continue the expansion of this program.
Number of Unduplicated Individuals to be Served with Award Funds
Year 1: 50, Year 2: 70, Year 3: 70, Year 4: 70, Year 5: 70