CMHI Calricaraq Project
Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation
Our Alaska Native children and youth experience some of the highest rates of depression, suicide, and substance use. With our Calricaraq traditional BH Prevention program, we are seeing communities and families heal and return to traditional Yup’ik values and practices for their strength. With this project we aim to disseminate these teachings of Calricaraq, developed by our people, for our people, to spread healing and wellness to our children, youth, and their families to the 58 Tribal communities in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta region of SW Alaska.
Project Name: Calricaraq CMHI Project
Population to be Served: The children, youth, and families of the Yukon – Kuskokwim Delta region of Southwest Alaska, population 26,365 predominately Yup’ik, Cup’ik and Athabaskan residents. Our program will serve 80 clients per year, and 300 clients during the life of the grant, and up to eight hundred more youth will be impacted with our outreach activities throughout the grant period.
Strategies and Interventions: Calricaraq is an Elder-driven program that encompasses our Yup’ik ancestral wisdom and knowledge and is our holistic approach to help people heal from the impacts of colonization. Calricaraq serves community members of all ages, but we focus most of our efforts on parents and school-age youth. The CMHI Project will enable our Calricaraq Program to focus specifically on our Outpatient Clinic by increasing capacity to serve more children and youth referrals coming from our child-serving partners in the Y-K Delta region.
Project Goals and Measurable Objectives:
Goal 1: Expand awareness and inclusion of the Calricaraq CMHI/SOC Project throughout the child and family service providers in the Y-K Delta region.
Objective 1. Train existing and incoming BH staff on the philosophy and clinical operation of the Calricaraq Outpatient Clinic and Prevention Program.
Objective 2. Provide outreach activities to child and family service organizations.
Goal 2: Expand capacity of our YKHC Calricaraq Traditional Outpatient Clinic, increasing the number of children, youth, and families we can provide evidence-based, culturally appropriate MH and SU services, with increased diagnostic services and trauma-informed care.
Objective 1. Addition of an Outpatient Clinic Manager/Care Coordinator to oversee the operation of the clinic and provide guidance and supervision to our Traditional Clinic staff.
Objective 2. Calricaraq Clinician will provide diagnostic BH services to children and youth clients, and their families.
Goal 3: Manage, monitor, and enhance the Calricaraq CMHI Program’s integrity and fidelity, including sustainability planning and finance strategies by:
Objective 1. Review clinical policies and procedures to ensure integration of Calricaraq into existing protocols and modify as needed in accordance with the BH Strategic Plan.
Objective 2. Convene the Elder council to ensure compliance with the Calricaraq teachings.
Objective 3. Review orders and billing codes to assure adequate reimbursement of services