The YMCA of San Diego County (YMCA) will enhance the Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) system of care’s capacity and increase access to supports for adult caregivers with children ages 0-8 throughout San Diego County through “San Diego Project LAUNCH” (SDPL), which will establish a Young Child Wellness Council for improved cross-sector partnerships; develop and implement ECMH services with/at primary care settings; provide Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC); and provide culturally and linguistically responsive parenting education. San Diego County has nearly 500,000 children under that age of 10, and 68% of youth needing mental health treatment don’t have access due to the lack of mental health providers relative to demand for treatment (1:230). The YMCA is one of only two providers in the county offering ECMHC, an evidence-based intervention that builds caregiver capacity to foster healthy social-emotional development while expanding access to services.
Specific SDPL program goals and measurable objectives include:
1. Goal: Increase cross-sector partnerships and system of care capacity for ECMH services. Objective: 1a. Establish a Young Child Wellness Council. 1b. Design and implement a plan to improve coordination and collaboration across child- and family-serving systems and programs. 1c. Develop and implement a public awareness communications plan. 1d. Develop and implement ECMH services at three community-based and/or primary care settings annually, including 6-8 trainings.
2. Goal: Increase the ability of adult caregivers of young children to identify, promote, and foster healthy social and emotional development; prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; and to address behavioral concerns before they develop into serious emotional disturbances. Objective: 2a. Screen and assess 250 families annually for behavior, development, and overall family well-being. 100% of families with identified needs will be preferred to ECMHC services or linked to other appropriate services. 2b. 75% of individuals who receive trainings in prevention or mental health promotion will report an increase in their ability to identify behavioral concerns. 2c. Provide at least 8 caregiver education sessions annually (4 in Year 1) reaching 720 caregivers over the grant term. 2d. 100% of caregivers who attend a caregiver education session will increase their knowledge on fostering healthy social and emotional development with young children in their care.
3. Goal: Increase the health, well-being, resilience, and emotional health of young children and those who care for them. Objective: 3a. Provide ECMHC to 225 children, caregivers, and ECE providers annually, prioritizing racial and ethnic minority children and families. 3b. Assess 225 children and their caregivers annually for mental health, developmental, substance use, and protective factors. 3c. 80% of children and families in ECMHC will increase knowledge and skills to develop positive and responsive relationships. 3d. 75% of children enrolled in ECMHC will demonstrate an increase in their social, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and/or physical development.
SDPL will increase cross-sector partnerships and system of care capacity for ECMH services to expand access to services and supports. Through SDPL, the YMCA will screen and assess 250 children and their caregivers annually, for a total of 1,250 screened over the grant term. We will provide ECMHC to 225 children and their caregivers and ECE providers annually, for a total of 1,125 over the grant term. We will implement ECMH services at a minimum of three community based and/or primary care settings annually, for a total of 15 over the grant term, and will provide at least 6 trainings annually to providers at these locations for a total of 30 trainings over the grant term. Additionally, 720 caregivers will attend at least one caregiver education session over the grant term (80 in Year 1 and 160 in Years 2-5).