Project Abstract
As a qualified local government behavioral health authority and SAMHSA provider with 48 years of proven expertise serving the populations of focus in Region XI, Southwest Mississippi Mental Mississippi Mental Health Complex and DCOs will improve and advance its CCBHC, further expanding access to integrated primary and behavioral healthcare services with comprehensive person and family-centered evidence-based treatment that is trauma-informed and culturally relevant. Name: CCBHC-IA. Populations served: Adults with a mental health or substance use disorder, including those with SMI, SUD, including opioid use; children/adolescents with SED; adults and adolescents with COD; adults, children/adolescents experiencing a mental health and/or substance use-related crisis, including members of the armed forces, veterans, and families. Prioritized access will address existing behavioral health disparities for: 56% Female; 43% Male; 1% Transgender; 57% African American; 3% Hispanic/Latinx; 2% Multiracial; 2% veterans; 45% COD; and 2% HIV+/Hep.+. Strategies: 1) Improve access to care with extended clinic hours, social marketing and targeted outreach; 2) Enhance crisis services with two centralized receiving facilities for law enforcement; 3) Use a trauma-informed approach, standardized validated instruments and symptom rating scales to inform screening, assessment and diagnosis; 4) Advance person-centered treatment planning with peer recovery supports, and care coordination; 5) Implement measurement-based care to drive clinical decision-making, inform continuous quality improvement strategies and effective person-centered treatment planning; 6) Create a sustainability plan to ensure financial autonomy; and 7) Ensure CCBHC Advisory Council governance, oversight and planning involves 51% consumer and/or family member involvement during the 4-year project. EBPs: MI, IDDT, CBT, TF-CBT, Rx for Change: Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation; Disease Management, Long Acting Injectables for SMI Adults, Peer Support Services, and WRAP. Goals: 1) Plan, develop, implement and sustain CCBHC-IA services increasing access and availability to high-quality integrated care responsive to emerging needs in Region XI; 2) Support recovery from SMI/SED/SUD/COD challenges delivering comprehensive community-based MH/SUD crisis stabilization, treatment, care coordination and peer recovery-oriented support services partnering with DCOs to promote whole-person wellness and recovery; 3) Use trauma-informed, evidence-based practices and team-based care coordination that holistically address consumer needs; 4) Utilize a CQI approach, work to measure and improve the quality of services to inform improvements, evaluation and sustainability; 5) Meaningfully involve consumers and family members in their own care and the broader governance of the CCBHC; and 6) Improve integrated care treatment outcomes while addressing health-related disparities. Measurable Objectives: 1) 100% timely submission of BHDIS/CCBHC Attestation; 2) Increase DCOs by 10% annually; 3) 100% accurate diagnosis and access to person-centered treatment planning; 4) 80% consumers report high perception of care; 5) 51% consumer/family governance; 6a)100% will receive physical health measurements, appropriate lab testing and physical examination; 6b) 80% will improve mental health functioning; 6c) 80% will reduce substance use; 6d); 80% will improve employment status; 6e) 80% will improve housing stability. Numbers Served: 250 in Year 1; 300 per year in Years 2-4 = 1,150 total.