Project Summary: Chinatown Service Center (CSC), one of the largest community-based, Chinese-American organizations in Southern California, is applying for CCBHC-IA funding to continue operation of our CCBHC. With funding, we will provide mental health, substance abuse, and crisis services to diverse populations with severe conditions. These crucial services will be available to low-income, and uninsured individuals of Los Angeles (LA) County.
Geographic Catchment Area: LA County Service Planning Area (SPA) 3: San Gabriel Valley
Project Name: CCBHC to Serve Asians and Other Diverse Groups with Serious Behavioral Health Conditions
Populations to be served: Our CCBHC will serve low-income, uninsured adults and children, primarily Asian/Pacific Islanders, with a behavioral health diagnosis, including Severe Mental Illness, Severe Emotional Disturbance, Substance Use Disorder, and Co-Occurring Disorder.
Number to be served: Year 1: 290; Year 2: 320; Year 3: 350 Year 4: 385; Life of project: 1,345
Project strategies/interventions: CSC will use a combination of several evidence-based- interventions, including Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (M-CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), and Trauma-Informed Approach. These interventions and screenings will be provided in English, Spanish, and Chinese languages.
Project goals and measurable objectives: Our goals include: Increase the number of individuals who are screened for major depression; Reduce suicide risk and prevent deaths by suicide; Improve access to services through online and in-person outreach; Reduce the service gap for tobacco cessation; Increase access to SUD services; and Increase access to services to individuals who are prescribed medications that may be misused. Measurable objectives are as follows: (1) Each year, provide depression screenings for 800 patients; (2) Each year, for those at-risk for depression, screen 100% for suicide; (3) 75% of those with at-risk screenings will yield an attended appointment; (4) Each year, 65% of patients will have a reduced risk for suicide, as indicated by improvements in scores between assessments; (5) Each year, 90.0% of those at-risk will develop a crisis plan; (6) Each year, reach 5,000 individuals via outreach regarding availability of services and health education; (7) By the end of Year 4, we will serve 1,345 individuals; 75% will have a diagnosis qualifying as SMI or SED; (8) Each year, distribute 1,000 tobacco cessation resources printed in Asian languages; (9) Each year, we will refer 75.0% of current smokers to Asian Smokers' Quitline; (10) Each year, 75% of those referred for SUD services will yield an attended appointment; and (11) Each year, the CCBHC will conduct in-reach to identify patients prescribed medications that pose a risk for addiction; of these 75% will receive education on preventing addiction or referral to SUD.