The Kansas Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Program is a multi-component initiative designed to reduce suicide deaths, behaviors and ideation in youth and young adults aged 10-24. The program goals are directly tied to the Kansas Suicide Prevention Plan which was revised in 2021 with a focus on addressing the four strategic directions identified by the National Strategy. The program goals and objectives are also aligned with recommendations created by the Kansas Governor's Mental Health Task Force (2017) and the Special Committee on Mental Health Modernization and Reform (2021-2022). The goal is to serve 52,251 10-24 years old in this grant.
The Kansas GLS Program will focus on strategies and initiatives for youth and young adults residing in Wyandotte county, Kansas (pop. 169,245) and the 12-county southeast region of Kansas (combined pop. 178,831). In 2020, Kansas ranked 12th in the nation for highest suicide mortality by state at 18.4 per 100,000 (531 deaths). The Southeast region had a suicide mortality rate of 16.4 per 100,000; while Wyandotte County was 17.6 per 100,000 (DC; NCHS-Suicide Mortality by State). Youth in Kansas are highly vulnerable, with suicide deaths in 10-17 year old's increasing by 70% between 2015 and 2018. While youth suicide is a statewide problem, youth in the selected counties consistently report higher rates of suicide thoughts, plans and attempts than their peers statewide. In Southeast Kansas when asked about the last 12 months, 34.16% of youth in grades 6, 8, 10, 12 stated they have seriously thought about killing themselves, 19.97% made a plan for suicide, and 12.93% have tried to kill themselves. (All percentages are based on 2022 Kansas Communities That Care Survey). As indicated in the demographic profiles of the selected counties, the population in these counties experience significant health disparities including higher levels of poverty and lower educational achievement than the state average. The Southeast region is also disproportionately impacted by de-population which has led to a lack of services and social infrastructure across communities.
Goal 1 - strengthen and broaden public communication efforts about risk and protective factors for suicide, Goal 2 - Improve suicide risk recognition among youth serving organizations and professionals by increasing connections to culturally sensitive; consumer-responsive treatment services, Goal 3 - Implement strategies to reduce access to lethal means among youth, Goal 4 - Evaluate, develop and implement evidence-based suicide screenings at behavioral health care sits and educational sites, Goal 5 - Implement crisis response to improve and enhance the safety net support including the creation of safety plans and referrals to treatment, Goal 6 - Expand access to suicide postvention by providing training; and Goal 7 - Improve statewide capacity to collect and analyze data related to suicide prevention efforts, and suicide morbidity/mortality.