North Homes Children and Family Services will utilize the CCBHC grant funding to achieve CCBHC certification and to expand capacity to provide integrated, coordinated community-based care to children and families in Northern Minnesota. Particular focus will be given to preserving family integrity and increasing access for Native American and military/veteran families.
NHCFS’ Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) grant program will serve children and families in Beltrami and Itasca Counties in northern Minnesota. The project is intended to increase capacity to serve families, especially those at risk of an out-of-home placement or those reuniting. This population includes individuals and families experiencing mental illness, substance use disorders, or both. Typical service recipients are experiencing multiple needs including housing, food, and economic instability. It is also intended to increase capacity and competency to serve Native Americans and active military and Veteran families.
NHCFS goals for this project include becoming certified as a CCBHC, increasing service capacity and coordination to reduce unmet demand for integrated, coordinated care; increasing services to Native American residents and military and Veterans’ families, and meeting the improved outcomes reporting requirements. These goals will be achieved through adding care coordination agreements with at least two social service agencies per county, and with at least two primary care providers per county. NHCFS will add 21 staff positions, including mental health, substance use disorder, peer and recovery support, care coordination and outreach staff. Additionally, at least 90% of staff will be receiving training in cultural competency relative to Native American and Veteran cultures. Finally, data collection and reporting will be enhanced to better manage, monitor and improve programs in order to improve outcomes for those served. NHCFS will establish a CCBHC Advisory Work Group, including representatives of those served, to provide input and guidance to the program.
NHCFS will serve 2,500 individuals in the first year of this project. It is expected that an additional 250 individuals will be served in the second year, for a total of at least 2,750 individuals over the life of the project.