Terros Health 27th Ave Health Center plans to expand person- and family-centered care as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Center. The CCBHC will offer wrap-around, whole-person care, through an integrated health home model for comprehensive mental health, substance use, and primary care services. This expansion will allow for greater coordination with the state crisis system and community partners to address health disparities prevalent in the area. Terros Health has provided substance use treatment and mental health services for over 50 years. Over the years we have expanded our expertise to provide trauma-informed interventions including the recent innovations of Café 27, a comprehensive treatment setting for youth and their families to reduce substance use, COVID-19 testing and vaccination, mobile screening and treatment, co-location with the Maricopa Adult Probation Department, and provision of services via telehealth. The catchment area is within the 7th to 10th highest Area Deprivation Index deciles, with the closest neighborhoods to the clinic in the highest decile for deprivation, including Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) factors of income, education, employment, and housing. In the clinic’s 85017 zip code, 38.1% of the population are at or below 200% poverty level, 15.5% of the population is linguistically isolated, with health care barriers including underinsured (35%), uninsured (26%)and difficulty finding the right provider(28%). Resident-identified issues are homelessness (48%) and illegal drug use (35%), while the top three health conditions are alcohol or drug abuse (66%), mental health issues (46%) and obesity (34%). Terros Health is the only integrated health care facility in the catchment area which has limited medical and social supports. The goals of the project are to 1) improve participant health outcomes through timely access, availability of evidence-based interventions and participant engagement, and 2) increase participants who receive an SDoH assessment and follow up care. Objectives include a) increasing the numbers of participants engaged in services by 75%; b) decrease accidental overdose deaths by 25%; c) increase participants who receive a BH service and a physical health service by 85%; d) 85% of participants requiring a crisis mobile team dispatch will receive an immediate response within 24 hours of the crisis episode; e) increase participant access to evaluations for serious mental illness by 40%; f) decrease the experience of homelessness by 25%; g) increase the number of services to participants who are justice involved by 50%; and h) implement a standardized tool to assess SDoH for 90% of participants, with follow up support. Interventions include substance use treatment, psychiatric services, mental health assessment and treatment, Medication Assisted Treatment, substance use recovery services, care coordination, peer support; education, housing support, vocational rehabilitation, family support, intensive co-occurring disorders treatment for adults, focused services for justice involved participants; residential substance use treatment and and primary care support. During the lifetime of the project 3,750 participants will be served, with 1,750 served during the first year and 2000 the second.