The Aspire Indiana Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Expansion Project will expand and enhance access to behavioral health, substance abuse, and physical healthcare services in Hamilton County, Indiana by offering comprehensive and fully integrated healthcare to each individual through a no-wrong-door, whole person health centered model. Populations to be served include adults with SMI, SUD, or COD and children and adolescents with SED or SUD in Hamilton County. This project will focus on addressing gaps in services, providing comprehensive behavioral health services, and increasing resources to support the population of focus. Aspire plans to expand its comprehensive health system by creating 24/7/365 mobile crisis and Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams in order to provide the appropriate level of care that the populations of focus need. These resources and activities are essential to ensuring equity in services for all populations, but particularly Aspire’s population of focus, as these populations require greater peer supportive services and case management than what are currently available. Goal one of this project is to establish comprehensive community-based mental health and substance use disorder services for the target populations by: meeting all CCBHC criteria by forming a CCBHC Certification team to draft, create, and approve policies and procedures and meet staffing requirements, operationalize policies and procedures, conduct staff training, and procure supplies and resources. Goal two of this project is to increase access to and engagement with CCBHC services to target populations by: establishing 24/7/365 mobile crisis services available within three hours of crisis events, mobile and telehealth/telemedicine treatment and home monitoring services, partnerships with law enforcement and emergency response agencies to implement mobile crisis partnerships, engaging 50% of individuals in more than one line of service, and conducting full evaluations for new clients within 48 hours for urgent needs and 10 days for routine needs. Goal three of this project is to improve healthcare outcomes for individuals receiving CCBHC services by: serving a total of 50 individuals through ACT, serving a total of 50 individuals through mobile crisis, and reducing psychiatric hospitalizations for individuals served through this project by 10%. Aspire plans to serve 557 individuals in year one and 1,043 individuals in year two, for a total of 1,600 individuals to be served throughout the entire project period.