The “Launching CCBHC Services in Mingo County, WV” project will be led by Williamson
Health & Wellness Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center, that offers integrated primary
care services. Mingo County is primarily rural and is home to the largest coal marshaling yards
in the world, leaving behind one of the poorest and unhealthiest U.S. regions as coal production
has declined. The project will serve 1,400 individuals total (600 in Year One, 800 in Year Two).
The new CCBHC will support the expansion of MAT/SUD services, increased psychiatric
assessment and treatment capacity, integration of primary care-behavioral health clinics,
provision of a 24/7 crisis management team, launch of a SUD care home-visiting team that
includes transportation assistance, expansion of peer support and case management patientcentered
services, expansion of ACT referrals to Designated Collaborative Organization, and
build out of an integrated youth behavioral health care program. Populations of focus include
adults and youth experiencing mental health conditions, to include Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
and Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), and individuals experiencing Substance Use
Disorders (SUD), with targeted outreach to veterans. In Mingo County, almost half of non-farm
payroll employment has been lost in the past 7 years, unemployment is double the national rate,
and more than one in four individuals are experiencing poverty. Mingo County is located in the
heart of America’s opioid crisis and has a drug overdose rate of 63 deaths per 100,000 residents -
the tenth highest rate in WV (2020 County Health Rankings). Mingo County’s drug overdose
death rate is 22% higher than WV’s rate and 3 times greater than the U.S. rate in a state that has
the highest drug overdose rate (CDC). WV residents experience a significantly high rate of SMI
at 6.1%, compared to the region (4.5%) and nation (4.8%) (SAMHSA). Nationally, SED is
experienced by 10% of youth and adolescents (Psychiatry Online article, 9/1/17). WHWC has
outlined three project goals: Goal 1) Expand access to comprehensive outpatient behavioral
health services, including psychiatric and MAT/SUD treatment, through expanded CCBHC
staffing model that results in reduced barriers to care; 2) Improve behavioral health outcomes
among populations of focus with MH/SUD issues through integrated CCBHC expansion efforts;
and 3) Strengthen capacity of WHWC workforce to provide quality family- and patient-centered
care through trainings offered and evidence-based practices. Key health outcome objectives
include a 15% reduction in missed appointments, 30% reduction of psychiatric hospitalizations,
30% reduction in substance use, 80% improvement in life functioning, and 25% improvement in
mental health functioning. Planned Evidence-Based Practices include Motivational
Interviewing/Enhancement, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Informed Care,
Medication-Assisted Treatment, Peer Support Specialists, Trauma-Focused CBT, Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy-Informed Treatment, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.