The Center for Resilient Families/CRF, a Category II Treatment Services and Adaptation center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, aims to raise awareness of and increase access to family education, prevention and intervention resources to promote resilience in traumatized children. Previously located at the University of Minnesota, CRF is now at Arizona State University’s Research and Education Advancing Children’s Health/REACH Institute and comprises intervention developers of several evidence-based parenting programs as well as experts in training, dissemination, and educational resources for traumatized families. CRF proposes to continue providing leadership to the NCTSN and beyond in parenting interventions and resources, both for parents and for providers. Using a public health approach, CRF will provide a range of trauma-informed education and training (health promotion), freely accessible online parenting programs (prevention), and training for providers to guide parents through online programs or to deliver parenting EBPs. The Center will reduce disparities in service access, use, and training by targeting trauma-informed parenting interventions and resources to families exposed to traumatic stressors including refugee and immigrant families, those exposed to the death of a parent, community violence, parental wartime deployment, high-conflict divorce, and first responder parents. We will work with other Category II sites, the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, Category III sites, and national organizations to increase public awareness of the importance of effective parenting for children’s recovery from trauma by providing educational resources for parenting in the wake of trauma via parent resource exchanges, conferences, and related products. We will adapt and widely implement and disseminate four evidence-based parenting interventions, all of which have been rigorously tested and shown to be effective at strengthening resilience among traumatized families but which have not hitherto been widely available to the NCTSN. These interventions are: Adaptive Parenting Tools (previously known as After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools)/ADAPT for first responders, refugee/immigrant families, and military families; Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families, New Beginnings for high-conflict families, and Bridges for Latinx and African-American inner city parents. Program developers will work closely with communities across the nation within and beyond the NCTSN to widely disseminate online, self-directed versions of these parenting EBPs. In addition, we will train, implement, and sustain programs for providers serving our target family populations. We anticipate serving more than 7000 people annually, for a total of 35,000 over the course of the project, based on prior reach data and service and service/product use projections.