The Center for Family and Adolescent Trauma Treatment (CFATT) will provide a wide array of community based, evidence based, trauma focused, and culturally informed treatments and services. Support provided via wrap around services and care coordinators will complement the three evidence-based practices (Trauma Focused CBT, Culturally Informed and Flexible Family Treatment for Adolescents: CIFFTA, and Trauma Assessment Pathway: TAP) that will be offered. The population of focus will be children and adolescents (11-18 years of age) who have experienced a traumatic event (e.g., sexual abuse, domestic violence, neighborhood or country of origin violence, natural disasters, immigration-related trauma). Adolescents will be identified/referred by community health workers, by our treatment partners (Center for Family and Child Enrichment and Citrus Family Care Network), and by community partners (e.g., local Care Coordinator/Natural Helper teams, Foster Care, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Justice). The diverse South Florida community requires treatments designed for complex presenting problems (e.g., cutting and self-harm, depression, and substance use), diverse populations (e.g., race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity), and community contexts include powerful high risk factors. Four sets of Needs/Gaps have been identified. The first is the high rate of trauma documented in the South Florida area, partly because Black, Latino, and LGBTQ youth experience higher rates of victimization and trauma compared to the general population. The second is that despite the importance of family involvement and intervention, families tend to underutilize services and members may be difficult to engage into services without the use of specialized engagement strategies and interventions. The third is that it is difficult to change the practice in the youth serving systems without having an ongoing and sustained practice improvement relationship. The fourth is the devastating effects of COVID19.
In response to these needs, the CFATT proposes a set of five goals. 1) To increase access and participation in services by youth/families exposed to traumatic events, through specialized outreach and engagement strategies. 2) To provide direct evidence based mental disorder treatment and comprehensive services (TAP, TF-CBT, CIFFTA, care coordination) to 85 youth/families per year (375 over 5 years) to decrease trauma-related and behavioral and mental health symptoms. 3) To provide training and workshops to child serving systems such as Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Foster Care on trauma-informed practices. 4) To collaborate with the Allegheny CAT II TSA and Dr. Mannarino to enhance TF-CBT family engagement interventions and to enhance CIFFTA’s trauma intervention components. 5) To implement a rigorous project evaluation including a process and outcome evaluation.