The Denver ReCAST Program will serve 13,170 at-risk youth and their families over the 5-year grant period. The program builds on Denver's assets to integrate behavioral health services with efforts to address social determinants of health by creating a unified, coordinated infrastructure to impact youth violence, mental health concerns, and substance abuse. This infrastructure will be a partnership between public agencies and community-based organizations, and managed by Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE). Many Denver youth experience economic adversity, homelessness, and academic challenges as well as violence and struggles with their mental wellness. The mental health concerns of at-risk youth have been compounded by civil unrest and the pandemic, which have disproportionately affected people of color. To address these needs, Denver ReCAST has 5 goals and 13 objectives. Goals: 1) To use community-based participatory approaches to promote well-being, resiliency, and healing; 2) To increase equity of access to trauma-informed behavioral health resources; 3) To integrate community services that address the social determinants of health with behavioral health services; 4) To increase community resilience by breaking down public agency silos and barriers and building the capacity of residents to address needs of at-risk youth and their families; and 5) To enhance behavioral health services to be culturally and developmentally appropriate. Objectives: 1.a) By 9/29/26, DDPHE will engage and sustain up to 30 community members in adult and youth advisory boards to guide project activities and quality improvement; 1.b) By 3/31/22, DDPHE will engage at least 100 community members in the assessment of community-identified drivers of civil unrest and the development of a plan to address these drivers; 1.c) By 3/31/22, DDPHE will develop a Memorandum of Understanding with community leadership that demonstrates their commitment to support program activities; the following objectives will be met by 9/29/26: 2.a) at least 10 organizations will address barriers and improve linkages for at-risk youth and their families to access trauma-informed behavioral helath resources; 2.b) at least 1,600 at-risk youth and their families will receive trauma-informed behavioral health resources and evidence-based programs; 2.c) at least 10 organizations will be trained in accessing alternative funding for services, including 3rd party reimbursement; 3.a) at least 5,000 at-risk youth and their families will be connected with community services linked to youth risk behaviors; 3.b) at least 400 community leaders will be trained on social determinants of youth risk behaviors; 3.c) Denver agencies will develop a comprehensive list of trauma-informed behavioral health resources; 4.a) 400 community members will be trained on leadership, assessment, and quality improvement; 4.b) access for youth empowerment services will be provided to 5,000 at-risk youth; 5.a) at least 75% of program participants will report that services are culturally and developmentally appropriate and trauma-informed; and 5.b) at least 250 community leaders will be trained on trauma-informed care, cultural responsiveness, and implicit bias.