PROJECT NAME: The Tend To Your Spirit (TTYS) (x¿ul'c¿x¿ ¿¿stalx) Program
The Tend To Your Spirit (TTYS) (x¿ul'c¿x¿ ¿¿stalx) Program will implement effective, school-based mental health services to address the issues related to Suicide. TTYS will specifically address mental health symptoms in Muckleshoot Tribal School (MTS) students and better equip the MTS community to respond to student mental health needs.
POPULATION TO BE SERVED: The primary focus for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe’s (MIT) Tend To Your Spirit (x¿ul'c¿x¿ ¿¿stalx) Program are Muckleshoot Tribal Schools’ students ages 5-21 presenting mental health symptoms.
STRATEGIES/INTERVENTIONS: The main strategy proposed for the TTYS Program is the formalization of mental health services at the Muckleshoot Tribal Schools. Interventions include: Prevention, Intervention and postvention services provided by the TTYS Team (Mental Health Therapists and Substance Use Disorder Professional); training school personnel, tribal leaders, community members about trauma and suicide prevention; the incorporation of a Community Advisory Board to ensure services are culturally aligned; and the utilization of a health assessment (Check Yourself©) to identify students with mental health symptoms.
PROJECT GOAL (1): #1: 1. Establish an effective school- based mental health program to address mental health symptoms in MTS K-12 students
Measurable Objectives: 1.1) MTS will identify and assign 3 Mental Health Therapists by the end of the 1st quarter of year 1 to address students’ mental health symptoms.
1.2) By the end of year 5, all high school grade levels will participate in a health assessment to identify students experiencing mental health symptoms.
1.3) By the end of year 5, TTYS Team will provide mental health prevention, intervention, and postvention services to 500 students.
PROJECT GOAL (2): MTS community will be better equipped to respond to student mental health needs resulting in reduced incidents of crises
Measurable Objectives: 2.1) By the end of year 5, activities and events will promote awareness about mental health symptoms for up to 500 school/community members.
2.2) By the end of year 5, community partners, experts and the TTYS Team will provide trainings to 120 department heads, community leaders, MTS faculty, staff, and administration.
2.3) At least 2 times per year, the Community Advisory Board (CAB) will meet with the TTYS Team to review data and recommend effective, culturally aligned strategies to promote holistic and cultural wellness.