Mental Health Awareness Training in Western Connecticut (MHAT-WCT) is a strategic regional partnership that will support and achieve positive behavioral health outcomes for persons of all ages with mental health disorders, particularly serious mental illness (SMI) and serious emotional disturbance (SED). Services will be focused in 43 western CT communities in DMHAS Region 5, aligned with project partners’ catchment area. Clinical characteristics of this area include lack of access to licensed affordable mental health services; increased Opioid addiction and other substance/ multi-substance use; increased suicide and stigma among veterans and military families; increased depression and anxiety among youth and adolescents; overall increase in mental health issues due to COVID-19. Primary Individuals to Receive Training are (1) Future Health Professionals: Those studying/ training to become providers of medical care. (2) Service providers and caregivers who intersect with those abusing/ at risk of abusing substances. (3) Teachers and Relevant School Personnel, especially paraprofessionals, classroom assistants, and pre-service teachers. (4) Families, caregivers, and service providers in contact with Armed Services Members and Veterans, and their families. (5) General Public: Diverse individuals from all walks of life requesting mental health awareness training. EdAdvance, an experienced leader in the collaborative implementation of high-quality education, health, and human service programs to meet identified needs and service gaps in western CT, will collaborate with project partners strategically positioned to provide training, outreach, and referrals, and treatment to the primary populations of focus: Apex Community Care, Western CT Coalition, and Greenwoods Referral & Counseling Services. The project’s population of focus includes: 1) individuals with/at risk of substance use disorder; 2) those with co-occurring disorders (i.e., substance use/mental illness); 3) Veterans, Armed Services members, and their families; 4) School-age youth and adolescents; 5) General Public. The overriding project goal is to improve behavioral health outcomes for individuals with mental health disorders, particularly SMI and SED, by increasing community and school capacity for early detection and initiation of appropriate referrals to mental health services. Through the delivery of 85 EBP training workshops, MHAT-WCT will train 2,040 individuals to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health issues; increase linkages with licensed mental health agencies to refer individuals to services; increase mental health awareness; reduce stigma; and educate about mental health resources. We will train 18 instructors to provide 4 EBP trainings: Mental Health First Aid for Adults, MHFA for Veterans, Youth Mental Health First Aid, and Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR). We will refer at least 300 individuals to appropriate mental health services, publish and distribute 4,000 project Regional Mental Health Resources & Referrals brochures, increase web presence with links to Brochure on 10 regional agency websites, and expand referral networks to 10 community or school-based mental health services for referrals.