Riverside San-Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc. (RSBCIHI) is the largest tribal health care organization in California. Over our five (5) year 2021 Native Connections Project, we will focus on the delivery of promotion and universal prevention strategies. We will complete a variety of behavioral health education, training, public messaging, and outreach activities to reach a total of 8,117 youth, family, and other community members, including students.
Our catchment area covers Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and nine (9) federally recognized Indian reservations. This area is home to 86,351 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people, including 21,495 youth aged 0 to 24. Over the past five (5) years, we have screened 3,848 youth for behavioral health risk factors. Of those screened, 1,006 reported depressive symptoms, 322 reported suicidal ideation, and 85 reported child abuse/intimate partner violence. Also 424 youth reported non-medical drug use, 180 reported alcohol use problems, and 203 reported tobacco use (non-traditional).
The purpose of our project is to prevent youth suicide and substance misuse and reduce the impact of youth trauma. We will serve 1,610 people each year by:
• Establishing a Native Connections project team to coordinate with our other grant project directors, our community advisory committee, and our integrated care committee.
• Standardizing our medical and behavioral health staff roles and responsibilities through written clinical protocols, policies, and procedures.
• Training 23 staff members in the new protocols, policies, and procedures.
• Training 120 community members and agency staff in evidence-based practices.
• Delivering school-based prevention education to 480 students.
• Distributing printed educational material to 900 youth, family, and community members.
• Creating new social media accounts for health promotion (e.g., Instagram, Facebook).
• Connecting with 100 community-based social media followers. We will post social media content (e.g., posts, videos, flyers, education, training information) throughout the project.
We will use four (4) evidence-based practices to support this project:
• Behavioral Health Continuum of Care Model: Emphasizes the need to create a complete continuum of care, including promotion and universal prevention strategies.
• safeTALK: Teaches community members (age 15 and older) how to effectively talk about suicide with someone who is suicidal and quickly connect them with a clinician.
• ASIST: Teaches community members (age 16 and older) how to recognize suicide ideation and create an effective safety plan.
• Mental Health First Aid: Teaches community members (age 15 and older) how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.