Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, ACMHS
Anchorage Community Mental Health Services seeks SAMHSA support to become a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) providing comprehensive services to children, youth and adults experiencing severe emotional disturbance (SED), severe mental illness (SMI), substance use disorders (SUD) and co-occurring disorders (COD.) Services will reduce symptoms, improve functioning and improve health outcomes.
As a CCBHC, ACMHS will serve Alaska’s metropolitan area as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, 2019: the Anchorage Municipality and Fairbanks/North Star Borough. This catchment area is 9,042 square miles (larger than New Jersey) and has a population of 390,509 (US Census Bureau estimate, 2018). 53.4% of Alaska’s population resides within this catchment area. Data identify critical shortages of services for children, transition age youth and adults who experience SED, SMI, SUD and COD, with acute shortages in available SUD and COD treatment.
ACMHS will improve outcomes (symptom reduction, functional improvement, improved health outcomes) for children and youth who experience SED by improving access to services and expanding wrap around services.
ACMHS will improve outcomes for adults experiencing SMI (symptom reduction,
functional improvement, physical health improvement, maintain population in
community setting) by improving access to services and implementing and
expanding available evidence-based practices.
ACMHS will improve outcomes (symptom reduction, substance use reduction,
functional improvement) for transition age youth and adults experiencing SUD and (COD), expanding treatment capacity at ACMHS by training providers in SUD and COD treatment.
ACMHS will improve client health outcomes by integrating primary care and by
implementing best practices in psychiatric medical care.
ACMHS will expand and develop the current workforce to support the above activities
and obtain certification as a CCBHC.
ACMHS will use four strategies, make improvements and expand existing services,
develop services to address the acute shortage of SUD and COD services,
expand and develop our workforce, and implement improvements in primary
care integration and psychiatric medical practices.
Unduplicated to be served using grant funds: Year 1 (8/30/2020-8/29/2021) 500 SED children and youth unduplicated, 2,200 SMI/SUD/COD adults unduplicated. Year 2 (8/30/2021-8/29/2021) 600 SED children and youth 2,400 SMI/SUD/COD adult unduplicated. Total to be served during project, unduplicated, current served plus new admissions: 4,300 SMI/SUD/COD adults, 1,360 SED/SUD/COD children and youth.