Project Abstract Summary
Summary. The North Mississippi Commission on MI/MR (d.b.a. Communicare/Region 2 Mental Health), an established, accredited political subdivision with 50 years of experience, robust infrastructure and proven track record, in partnership with the 18th Chancery Court, and stakeholders involved in the civil commitment process will implement, and evaluate the Assisted Outpatient Treatment program delivering evidence-based practices to reduce the incidence and duration of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, incarcerations, and interactions with the criminal justice system while improving the health and social outcomes of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) and their families. Project Name: Assisted Outpatient Treatment. Population(s) served: Adults (18 years and older) and their families who reside in Lafayette County, are diagnosed with SMI and in need of court-ordered outpatient treatment. Strategies: (1) develop strategies to eliminate disparities and improve social determinants of health reducing inpatient hospitalization, substance abuse, criminal justice involvement, homelessness, suicide fatalities and limited family and social connectedness; (2) develop, implement and sustain civil court commitment process and community-based mental health treatment with oversight from an AOT Coalition; (3) promote flexible, 24/7 on-call, community-based, multi-disciplinary team and in-home mental health services resources; and (4) implement cross-sector workforce training. Evidence-based: Trauma-informed, culturally competent and linguistically appropriate AOT, MI, ACT, EMDR, IMR, Wraparound/Full-Service Partnership, peer/family supports and Crisis Intervention Training/MHFA community trainings. Goal: Implement culturally competent, trauma-informed, multi-disciplinary community-based outpatient mental health treatment team services to individuals with SMI and their families with a flexible, continuous quality improvement approach utilizing court intervention, person-centered case management, systems navigation and evidence-based practices and programs delivered in the most fully-integrated and least restrictive environment. Objectives: 1) Establish and equip new intercept point for centralized intakes including assessment, referral and linkage coordination for eligible SMI adults with 80% or more stakeholders attending AOT Coalition meetings; 2) Family Advisory Committee meets quarterly and two new family supports are trained in advocacy each year; 3) Ensure 80 % of participants receive GPRA/NOMS assessments at intake, 6-months post-intake, every 6-months thereafter and at discharge; 4) Hire, train and certify clinical team on EBPs and train community providers on mental health and recovery practices with 85% of attendance at each training and 80% demonstrating adherence to the model; and 5) Evaluate and monitor improvements in health and social outcomes of individuals with a SMI and reductions in the incidence and duration of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, incarcerations, and interactions with the criminal justice and document AOT cost-savings. Number to be served. 50 per year, 200 across 4-years.