The PFP CCBHC Expansion & Enhancement: Serving the Underserved project will expand and enhance the CCBHC services currently provided by Places for People (PfP) and address acute barriers to accessing science-based behavioral health services, particularly for those who are uninsured or under-insured in St. Louis City and County, Missouri. We will serve adults with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), Substance Use Disorder (SUD), COD Disorder (COD), as well as children and adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) and their families; more specifically, we will serve adults in these clinical population groups who are without Medicaid, Veterans who need services, and other adults and children who are unable to access the necessary and clinically appropriate services required due to insurance benefit restrictions, service capacity or a need for more assertive outreach and engagement. We intent to achieve the following project goals: 1.) Increase access to and utilization of EBPs for adults with SMI, COD or SUD and children (and their families) with SED who are uninsured or under-insured by enrolling a total of 525 adults with SMI/COD in either intensive community based (ACT, IDDT, ACCM, IPS, IMR) (75) or outpatient (medication management, CBT, DBT, Seeking Safety) (450) EBP's respectively, a total of 190 adults/adolescents with SUD in evidence-based treatment (CRA,ACRA,CRAFT), a total of 90 children with SED and their families in the recently implemented EBP (PCIT), and 40 children with SED in an emerging model for serving SED children with a parent or caretaker who also has SMI, COD or SUD. 2). All project participants will have access to integrated and coordinated physical health care assessment, monitoring and treatment as 100% of project participants will be connected to a primary care health provider, 90% of persons who enrolled in ACT or ACCM will have a physical health assessment, and 50% of outpatient service participants on psychotropic medication will have a metabolic screening and be provided related health education. 3.) Expand and improve the capacity and efficiency of the CCBHC by enhancing its infrastructure though hiring an EBP training coordinator to increase internal and regional system EBP provider capacity by conducting agency and regional trainings; improving reporting capabilities of electronic health record; implementing telemedicine home visit capacity; enhancing office telecommunications; implementing a benefits assistance program utilizing SOAR technology; and renting additional space for expansion of children/youth services. A total of 335 adults (SMI, COD), 95 adults/adolescents (SUD) and 65 children (SED) will be served in Year 1 with 525 adults (SMI/COD), 190 adults/adolescents (SUD) and 130 children (SED) served over the project.