Summary: This project aims to increase access to mental health (MH) support for families/caregivers of LGBTQI+ youth with special emphasis on those who have attempted suicide, are experiencing suicidal ideation, and/or are experiencing behavioral health (BH) issues that place them at risk of suicide. The target population includes LGBTQI+ youth & young adults up to 24 years old & their families living in Queens, New York with focus on BIPOC, migrants, asylum seekers, undocumented youth/families, unhoused youth/families, and all LGBTQI+ youth who are experiencing significant physical, psychological or BH conditions. The project anticipates serving 600 families during its 3-year duration (200 annually). Strategies and Interventions: The project will implement a range of activities such as outreach and engagement, tailored community referrals, family counseling, community MH training, youth & family peer support, and collaboration with youth-serving agencies. Service delivery will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the population, considering cultural, linguistic, and access needs. Project Goals & Measurable Objectives: 1) Increase participation of LGBTQI+ youth & their families/ caregivers in Vibrant’s Family and Youth Peer Support (FYPS) program. Objectives: Engage 200 families of LGBTQI+ youth in FYPS, annually; Establish referral relationships with 24 community organizations, including 6 LGBTQI+-serving organizations; and Complete quarterly public awareness events in high traffic/high need community districts. 2) Decrease the rate of suicide/attempted suicide amongst LGBTQI+ youth & their families/caregivers. Objectives: Provide culturally competent, trauma informed FYPS to 100% of participants; Provide suicide risk assessments to 75% of participants and make warm referrals to clinical BH care providers to 100% of participants in need; Develop suicide safety plans with 100% of participants who screen positive for suicidal ideation; and Conduct quarterly targeted social media campaigns to elevate youth voice and raise awareness about suicide prevention. 3) Decrease the prevalence of health and BH risks amongst LGBTQI+ youth & their families/ caregivers. Objectives: Provide person-centered counseling and support programs to 100% of participants; Conduct basic health screenings for 100% of participants and make warm referrals to care-specific providers for 100% of participants in need; Complete evidence-based BH assessments for 100% of participants upon intake and at least annually and provide warm referrals to BH providers for 100% of participants in need; Conduct SUD screening for 100% of participants and provide warm referrals to SUD treatment providers for 100% of participants in need; and Conduct basic needs assessments for 100% of participants to identify needs related to SDOH and provide warm referrals to support agencies for 100% of participants in need. 4) Increase family/caregiver-specific support for family members/caregivers of LGBTQI+ youth to encourage safe and affirming family/caregiver systems. Objectives: Provide family counseling to 200 families to navigate challenges related to supporting their LGBTQI+ family member/youth; Provide peer support to 200 families to navigate challenges related to supporting their LGBTQI+ family member/youth; Conduct appropriate MH and basic needs screenings for 100% of family members/caregivers to address any unmet needs and provide warm referrals to support agencies and providers to 100% of participants in need; and Provide counseling and support for family reunification/ stabilization for 100% of participants in need. 5) Increase community and cultural support for LGBTQI+ youth & their families/caregivers through provider training on family counseling and support interventions. Objectives: Train to up to 30 providers quarterly on evidence-based family counseling for LGBTQI+ youth & families/ caregivers; and Conduct 6 Queens community outreach events annually.