The Minnesota 988 Lifeline Capacity Improvement Project will advance the existing work to strengthen the infrastructure of the 988 Lifeline system in the state. In total, over 51,000 Minnesotans reached out to the 988 Lifeline in 2022. Data shows that there has been a notable increase in volume across calls, chats, and texts since the transition to 988. Calls have increased by 35%, chats increased by 67% and texts have risen by 658% in Minnesota. Under this cooperative agreement, Minnesota can continue to provide localized suicide, mental health, and substance use crisis support for all Minnesotans who call, chat, or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. At the same time, this project will allow Minnesota to strengthen statewide partnerships across the crisis care continuum.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has identified five goals to further support the 988 Lifeline system in Minnesota: 1) Enhance and expand workforce capacity and service within Minnesota Lifeline Centers to achieve a 90% answer rate across calls, chats, and texts. 2) Strengthen coordination across the crisis care continuum with crisis services and public safety answering points. 3) Improve support and service for high-risk and underserved populations statewide, including partnership with Tribal Nations that share geography with Minnesota. 4) Develop a comprehensive quality assurance plan. 5) Establish and implement a comprehensive communications plan. To achieve these goals, MDH will be taking a collaborative approach partnering with 988 Lifeline Centers, Mobile Crisis Teams, Public Safety Answering Points, Tribal Nations, and other state agencies.