The Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health CoE (H/LBH CoE) will serve as a resource to mental health and substance use providers, primary care providers, community-based and faith-based organizations, research institutions, H/L Serving Institutions (HSIs) of higher education, peer and recovery support service providers, state, regional, local, and federal entities, other systems that address BH issues experienced by H/L individuals (e.g. education, criminal justice, and social services), and the general public, including H/L individuals, families and communities and those with lived experience. In partnership with experts in H/L BH, stakeholders, state officials, professional associations, community services, SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity, CoEs, and MHTTC, ATTC, and PTTC NCOs, the H/LBH CoE will (1) develop and disseminate culturally informed, evidence-based BH information; (2) provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) on evidence-based and best practices in mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment and recovery from mental health and substance use disorders (SUD); and (3) expand the BH workforce for H/L communities. The H/LBH CoE will establish a steering committee with lived experience, community-based practitioners serving H/L populations, and national and community leaders and a panel of experts from 12 nationalities and community leaders in BH equity, trauma-informed practices, and peer recovery services, to provide expertise in product and workforce development. The number of unduplicated individuals to be trained with award funds in behavioral health equity, trauma-informed practices, and peer recovery services is 500 per year for a total of 2,500 at the end of the grant cycle. The number of unduplicated organizations to be provided TA/Training with award funds in behavioral health equity, trauma-informed practices, and peer recovery services is 5 in Y1 and 10 organizations in the subsequent years for a total of 45 at the end of the grant cycle. The number of products to be developed in behavioral health equity, trauma-informed practices, and peer recovery services is 5 in Y1 and 20 products in the subsequent years, totaling 80 at the end of the grant cycle. For the H/LBH CoE, IRESA has established cooperative agreements with the University of Missouri- Kansas City (UMKC) to develop a communication plan, branding, and web development. The H/LBH CoE Policy Academy will be developed with the Latino Policy Institute (LPI) and the Latino Mental Health Network of Rhode Island (LMHN). The H/LBH Empowerment Leadership Academy (H/LBH ELA) will be developed in alliance with the Texas A & M International University (TAMIU, Laredo Campus). The H/LBH Student Workforce Initiative (H/LBH SWI) will be developed with the Gill-Lebovic Center for Community Health in the Caribbean and Latin America at George Washington University (GWU). The H/LBH CoE will implement a Language Access and Assistance component to improve the capacity of the BH workforce to serve the H/L populations with limited English proficiency. The H/LBH CoE will provide interpreter training for BH providers working with interpreters to deliver BH care. The H/LBH CoE will report the impact, effectiveness, application, and usefulness of T/TA events using the uniform electronic data collection tool.