The Psychoeducational Mental Health Clinic at Nevada State College (Nevada State) will address the mental health needs of the Southern Nevada community. The addition of a new evaluation Clinic will greatly increase the number of school-aged students who receive early identification and treatment resources. The Clinic will evaluate, provide educational eligibilities as relevant, mental diagnoses as relevant, and provide mental health resources and supports for school-age children and adolescents in Clark County, Nevada.
Project Name: Psychoeducational Mental Health Clinic at Nevada State
Population: School-aged children and adolescents in Clark County, Nevada.
Strategies/Interventions: The Clinic will focus on early identification and treatment/intervention connections. This will transpire through early evaluation and identification of students who meet state criteria for an educational eligibility for special education services and/or who meet criteria for a mental health disorder.
Goals and Objectives: There are four goals and four corresponding objectives for the Psychoeducational Mental Health Clinic at Nevada State.
• Goal 1: Individuals served will receive mental health diagnoses and/or educational eligibilities as appropriate and supported by evaluation data. Objective 1: By September 29, 2024, the percent of individuals evaluated at the clinic will increase from 0% to 70% of projected capacity as measured by client care records.
• Goal 2: Decrease the burden on school-based mental health providers to identify students with educational eligibilities for special education programming and/or mental health needs. Objective 2: By September 29, 2024, the percent of school-aged students who receive an educational eligibility from the clinic and plan to bring their eligibility report to their respective school will increase from 0% to 50% of all students who received an educational eligibility from the clinic as measured by caregiver report.
• Goal 3: Decrease the burden on community-based providers to identify students with mental disorders. Objective 3: By September 29, 2024, the percent of school-aged students who receive a mental health diagnosis from the clinic and plan to receive therapeutic care in the community will increase from 0% to 50% of all students who received a diagnosis from the clinic as measured by caregiver report.
• Goal 4: Increase the awareness of educators to understand mental health conditions and how to support children and adolescents. Objective 4: By September 29, 2024, the percent of educators who receive training on school-based child and adolescent mental health supports at Nevada State will increase from 0% to 70% of projected capacity as evidenced by course enrollment records.
Number of People Served: The Clinic will provide psychoeducational and mental health evaluation services to a projected, unduplicated 200 school-aged children and adolescents. Professional development will also be provided to a projected, unduplicated 40 educators.