The project will support a two year training fellowship program for ten pre licensed, master's trained therapists. The project goal is to increase access to pediatric mental and behavioral health services for Delaware children and youth with a focus on increasing workforce diversity and better meeting the needs of underserved communities. Our project will recruit minoritized trainees, with a goal of including twenty percent Spanish speaking therapists. All selected therapists will receive training in evidence-based screening, prevention and treatment, developmental disabilities, integrated primary care and school-based healthcare and acute risk assessment and crisis management. They will provide clinical care supervised by licensed mental health providers that will supply the hours required to obtain independent licensure. SAMHSA CDS funds will support Year 1. Nemours Children's will support Year 2. Project Name: Improving Access to Mental and Behavioral Health Services for Delaware's Children and Youth Population to be Served. The project will train and employ ten master's level therapists to address the need for mental and behavioral health services among Delaware's children and youth. Focus will be on trainees from minoritized backgrounds, with a goal of including 20% Spanish speaking. The patients served will be primarily from New Castle County, Delaware where 15.6% of households speak a language other than English at home and 45% of the residents are non-white. Both indicate a need for bilingual clinicians and clinicians of color, representative of and responsive to the diverse needs of Delawareans. Strategies and Interventions: Tis project will increase and diversify Delaware's pediatric behavioral health workforce; provide highly specialized, evidence based training and supervision for master's level therapists; meet the need for pediatric mental and behavioral health services in Delaware; support increased diversity in Delaware's pediatric behavioral health workforce, including increasing access to bilingual providers and culturally humble and relevant care. Project Goals and Objectives: Goal 1: Increase the number of licensed behavioral health providers across the continuum of behavioral health trained to work with children and youth. Goal 2: Increase access to providers competent to offer evidence-based, trauma informed, culturally relevant care for children and youth. Goal 3: Increase collaborative communication among trainees and community behavioral health providers about behavioral health resources for children, youth and families. Goal 4: Increase number of providers with competency for suicide assessment and management. Goal 5: Increase knowledge of symptoms, screening processes, and effective supports for Autistic youth. Goal 6: Improve successful completion of licensure exam-75% of trainees will pass on first try. Goal 7: Improve cultural humility of behavioral health providers. Goal 8: Increase those trained in school based behavioral health. Number of people to be served: We will provide didactic experiential training and clinical supervision for 10 pre licensed, master's level therapists; we will offer 6 community trainings to 3 community agencies who employ or with Spanish speaking or minoritized children and youth, allowing us to provide training to an additional 10 community therapists.