Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division (dba as Behavioral Health Services, BHS) submits this application for $2,000,000 to support the start-up operations and technology infrastructure costs in deploying mobile medication assisted treatment (MAT) units in the geographic catchment area of Milwaukee County with a population of 952,085. The population of focus are individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), and the community at large, who are impacted by addiction. No direct mental health, substance use disorder, and/or substance use prevention services or training services will be delivered using project funds. Milwaukee County has among the highest rates of overdose deaths in Wisconsin, and in the last two years record numbers of emergency calls related to overdoses have been documented. Nearly 80% of the overdose deaths involved fentanyl. Milwaukee County also reports higher incidences than the State of fatal overdoses for African Americans (more than double), Hispanics, males, under 20 years of age, and 45 years of age and older individuals. Strategies include: Implementing Mobile Narcotic Treatment Program/Opioid Treatment Programs (MNTP/OTP) that operate under the registration of the NTP/OTP and engage in maintenance and/or detoxification treatment with narcotic drugs in schedules II-V at a location or locations remote from, but within the same State as, its registered location. The MNTP/OTP provides outreach, assessment, support, and services to individuals with OUD. The Project goal is: to lead public health and service delivery efforts to foster recovery for individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD). Measurable objectives are to: support the start-up operations and technology infrastructure of two mobile MAT units; optimize the collection, management, and conversion of raw data into usable information for mobile MAT staff; and build the workforce capacity of BHS and mobile MAT staff in addressing the opioid crisis. Anticipated outcomes include: operation of mobile MAT units in Milwaukee County; software for data-driven decision making, learning management and training systems, form management system; targeted outreach and education for mobile MAT units; established data optimization plan; monthly mobile MAT unit data analytics and insights; EMS data pipelines to facilitate real-time data access; participation and reporting out from training teams; information dissemination among project partners; replication of best practices and models for working with individuals with OUD and their families. In addition to saving lives, Mobile Narcotic Treatment Program/Opioid Treatment Programs (MNTP/OTP) have also been successful in increasing access to evidence-based treatment for underserved populations, disseminating harm reduction supplies to individuals with OUD, connecting individuals to SUD programs and services, and improving treatment retention.