PROJECT ABSTRACT SUMMARY. Building on the Strengths of Diverse Families will provide Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® to address the mental health concerns faced by Asian, Latinx and Black/African American Parents, Children & Youth in the new 28th Congressional District. Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® is a complete family strengthening program with Online Weekly Support Groups for Parents and separate groups for Children & Youth and Supportive Services including a Helpline to provide emotional support and linkages to vital resources in between weekly meetings. Parents Anonymous® is highlighted as the ONLY PROGRAM NATIONWIDE in the Federal Prevention Clearinghouse to successfully address Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Parenting and Ensure Child Safety. The Parents Anonymous® Model utilizes the four therapeutic processes of Mutual Support, Parent Leadership, Shared Leadership® and Personal Growth and Change with Trained and Caring Counselors and Parent Partners. In shared leadership® with families, outreach strategies will be implemented to recruit diverse Parents and their Children & Youth to attend Weekly Parents Anonymous® Groups, utilize the Helpline (in English, Spanish, and many Asian languages) and receive Supportive Services. Since 1969, we are dedicated to building trust by not blaming and shaming isolated, marginalized, and ethnic Parents, Children & Youth with many strengths and rich cultural values that are celebrated and honor throughout all Parents Anonymous® services since 1969. We believe Asking for Help is A Sign of Strength®. This Project addresses a serious gap in culturally responsive, equity focused, preventative and whole family mental health care in serious need in the identified diverse communities. By helping diverse Parents and Children & Youth through Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® all members of the family build on their strengths to enhance their mental health well-being and foster prevention and treatment by supporting individualized goals and decisions. Through this Project we will serve 300 Asian, Latinx and Black/African Parents, Children & Youth with Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous®. The Overall Project Goal for Building on the Strengths of Diverse Families Increase the mental health well-being of Asian, Latinx and Black/African Americans by strengthening their families through Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous®. Objective 1: By 9/29/23, 300 diverse Parents, Children & Youth will have received Weekly Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Services, as measured with program administrative records. Objective 2: By 9/29/23 and after completing 3 months of services, parent participants will have significantly (p<.05) improved self-reports of mental health and resiliency, as measured by validated survey tools. Parents Anonymous® was started in 1969 in Los Angeles by a courageous and tenacious mother seeking support to transform herself and her family to build on their resilience through the help, support, strength and hope in shared leadership® with a social worker. The vision of Parents Anonymous® is to ensure a just society where all Parents, Children & Youth thrive in resilient families and communities. We support the empowerment journey of diverse Parents, Children, and Youth to build on the strengths of families and communities through Shared Leadership® to advance equitable social change resulting in positive outcomes for all. Parents Anonymous® is committed to fostering the humility for all people, honor and respect all cultures, are mindful of each of our journeys, and are appreciative of family traditions, beliefs, and values. Since 1969, Parents Anonymous® has successfully managed and achieved positive outcomes for numerous large federal, state and county grants to deliver Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® services to diverse groups of Parents, Children & Youth throughout Los Angeles County, and the nation.