First Nations Community HealthSource (FNCH), an Urban Indian Organization and Federally Qualified Health Center, will conduct the Emergency Response for Suicide Project (ERSP) to provide suicide screenings, education, and comprehensive clinical care to a minimum of 500 high-risk individuals at the end of 16 months. The target population will consist of the most vulnerable suicide-risk populations impacted by COVID-19 in the geographic catchment area of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The target population will be low-income, minority, and homeless community adult members that include subpopulations of American Indians and individuals who experience homelessness/precariously housed, victims of domestic violence, lack health insurance or are on Medicaid, live at or below the federal provider's levels and/or are essential service workers. The target population experiences high rates of poverty, unemployment, lack of housing, no health insurance, low levels of education, and a high rate of chronic health conditions. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increases their risks for substance use, depression, and suicide. ERSP will offer a full continuum of suicide prevention and clinical treatments ranging from education, suicide screenings, brief intervention, brief treatment, clinical care, rapid follow up from inpatient/emergency facilities, follow up from health/behavioral health programs, and/or linkages to higher levels of care. ERSP will incorporate evidence-based practices including SBIRT, cognitive behavior therapy, EMDR, moral reconation therapy, Medication Assisted Treatment, Seeking Safety, trauma-informed care, and Matrix Model, to name a few. ERSP's goal is to increase FNCH's capacity to reduce/prevent suicide and suicide attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Measurable outcomes will be aligned with SAMHSA's GPRA measures and will include the number of individuals served, types of services provided, the number of individuals who received case management services, the number of individuals who experienced improvements in their depression and suicide risks, and the number and outcomes of the suicide trainings provided. ERSP will partner with community collaborators to support community-wide suicide awareness and prevention.