To begin to address the behavioral health impacts of COVID-19 in Virginia, this project aims to 1) increase the capacity of our statewide Community Services Boards (CSBs) to provide continuity of care and decrease substance use and functional impairment for individuals with SMI/SED/SUD via telehealth treatment and supports; 2) improve wellness and decrease symptoms of stress and substance use for healthcare workers via specialized virtual supports and partnerships with hospital systems; and 3) improve the behavioral health of individuals in the community experiencing moderate mental illness and/or substance use disorder as a result of COVID-19 via telehealth treatment and supports. To meet these aims, this project will provide direct treatment services in the areas of assessment, medication management and medication assisted treatment, recovery services and recovery housing, and outpatient therapy via telehealth.
The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has presented an alarming public health concern nationally and internationally, including at least 4,042 confirmed cases and 109 deaths in Virginia. In addition to the direct disease burden caused by the virus, the rapid behavioral, social, and operational changes required to curb the spread of COVID-19 have had severe impacts on behavioral health and the behavioral healthcare system. In the general public, these impacts include social isolation, financial strain and family stress, fear, anxiety, and increased drug and alcohol use. For individuals living with severe mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, and substance use disorders (SMI/SED/SUD), these impacts are known risk factors for the onset, relapse, or worsening of symptoms, which are compounded by the significant disruptions and compromises to treatment availability and access to care also posed by the pandemic. Healthcare workers and frontline responders are particularly vulnerable to behavioral health impacts, and unique impacts include traumatic exposures and reactions, moral distress and injury, caregiving and family strain, and burnout. This project provides direct treatment services to these three priority populations, with specialized supports and intervention modalities suited to the context of COVID-19 pandemic and associated State of Emergency.