The Health Resources and Services Administration, through its cooperative agreements and grants, depend upon all states and territories, including Maine, to administer programs, provide services and network with others to improve health care service delivery and workforce availability for those in frontier, rural and underserved areas. In Maine, the Rural Health and Primary Care Program (RHPCP) is the statewide resource dedicated to address health concerns and accessibility in rural and underserved areas of Maine. It functions as the State Office of Rural Health, administrator of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program and Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program and the Primary Care Office. As the Primary Care Office, RHPCP staff assesses health professional workforce needs throughout the state and directs incentives to qualified professionals and clinics willing to care for medically underserved people in areas deemed to have a provider shortage as determined by rules promulgated by the Shortage Designation Branch of the Bureau of Health Professions. These areas, and certain facilities designated based upon their status as a Federally Qualified Health Center, Rural Health Clinic, or Tribal Facility, may be eligible for enhanced CMS reimbursement opportunities, National Health Service Corps programming or other workforce programs such as the State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP). The RHPCP has a long history of administering the SLRP and has been able to make over 100 awards since 1988. As a result of SLRP, health care facilities have been able to employ dedicated clinicians who have made a significant impact on the health of their rural and underserved communities and care for the patients that need them the most. Research has shown that loan repayment and forgiveness programs can encourage new physicians to choose primary care specialties and serve in rural and underserved areas. Based on a review of the 40-minute travel analysis of
claims data provided by the Maine Health Data Organization, RHPCP found that a disparity of access for mental health treatment exists for clients that rely on Medicaid reimbursement. The current funding opportunity will be an additional tool to address HRSA’s clinical priority of improving access to mental health care and to target a segment of the health care workforce that is currently without workforce programming opportunities at the state level. Activities have been planned and policies and procedures have been developed. Once funding has been determined, the RHPCP will collaborate with our partners to promote the program, increase the capacity of the mental health safety net, monitor trends to address disparities, offer technical assistance and educational opportunities and incentivize clinicians to serve rural, underserved or vulnerable patients in Health Professional Shortage Areas. Activities include, but are not limited to, processing applications, executing contracts, scheduling orientations and awarding payments. Reports will be completed, and surveys will be collected from the providers to measure satisfaction and evaluate program effectiveness. Clinicians who choose to participate in this program agree to serve for a minimum of two years. A one-year continuing contract will be offered as funds allow. All relevant HRSA policies and procedures will be followed in administration of the program, including but not limited to HPSA, maximum award amounts ($25,000 per year) and sliding fee and Medicaid requirements. We believe that the successful implementation of this Program will improve overall health care outcomes in underserved communities and make a long-term and positive impact for the people of Maine.