Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (PPSAT) will address state and regional health care priorities by providing Title X family planning services (education and counseling, family planning methods, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment) and other medical services to women, teens, and men at our two South Carolina health centers. The goal of the project is to reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other STIs, and to help our clients make informed, healthy decisions regarding family planning, sexual activity, and preventive health care. By doing so, we hope to provide families with the means to overcome poverty and improve health outcomes.
For more than 40 years, we have participated in programs that offer subsidized reproductive health care to South Carolina families. We have worked to ensure access to critical family planning services for teens, emerging adults (19-29), those with limited financial resources, and uninsured clients in the racially and ethnically diverse communities served by our health centers.
The proposed Title X program will build on our long-standing provision of family planning services in South Carolina and our historical participation in the Title X program in this state. Within the first budget period, PPSAT will provide direct medical services to 4,146 Title X clients that primarily reside in Richland and Charleston Counties as well as the adjacent municipalities.
The total cost of the project during the first budget period is $1,770,243. PPSAT requests $814,254 in Title X funding to fully implement this project. The remaining $955,989 in projected costs would be funded through patient fees using our sliding fee scale, third-party payments, patient donations, and other means provided by PPSAT.