Acetylcholine critically controls complex neurological functions through its modulation of brain circuits. In
contrast to the well-studied mechanisms of acetylcholine signaling at the neuromuscular junction, its
transmission modes and mechanisms in the vertebrate central nervous system are not well understood. In the
striatum, acetylcholine exerts rapid and powerful control over local dopaminergic activity. Together, these
neuromodulators regulate a variety of important behaviors, including motivation and reward-related learning.
Because acetylcholine is rapidly degraded after it is released in striatal tissues, the fidelity of acetylcholine to
dopamine signaling must involve either tight spatial relationships between release sites and receptors, and/or
fast transmission. However, neuromodulator signaling is classically modeled as occurring through volume
transmission, involving dispersed, non-specific release as opposed to synaptic, point-to-point signaling – a
concept that remains to be proven. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms underlying striatal acetylcholine
signaling remain elusive. I hypothesize that sparse cholinergic terminals require molecular elements for highly
synchronous acetylcholine release. In this scenario, rapid and precise vesicle release could produce a
synchronous wave of high-concentration acetylcholine, which might allow even distant receptors to sense this
signal with potency.
To test this hypothesis, I propose to examine the morphological and molecular substrate of striatal
acetylcholine transmission in two aims. First, I will dissect the structure of acetylcholine to dopamine signaling
in the striatum, including the presence of secretory machinery in acetylcholine nerve terminals and their
apposition to acetylcholine receptors on dopamine axons, using superresolution microscopy. In a second aim, I
will functionally test whether acetylcholine release onto dopamine axons requires secretory proteins that are
predestined to generate fast and precise release, enabling phasic acetylcholine transmission. Additionally, I will
determine how this transmission mode impacts subsequent dopamine signaling. To do this, I will use genetic
tools paired with simultaneous imaging of fluorescent acetylcholine sensors and amperometric dopamine
measurements in striatal slices. Together, these findings will inform our fundamental understanding of
cholinergic to dopaminergic signaling in the striatum, including the identification of important genes that
regulate acetylcholine transmission. This molecular-level understanding will ultimately be important to better
understand brain function and disease.