The central nervous system is made up a vast number of neurons connected into the circuits that underlie all
brain function. Precise circuit assembly is accomplished, in part, through axonal target selection, mediated by
cell surface molecules (CSMs) that serve as recognition tags to identify appropriate synaptic partners. However,
the sheer volume of synapses that must be constructed for a healthy brain outstrips the number of available
coding genes by orders of magnitude. One way to mitigate this challenge is through molecular gradients such
that connections are specified by a relative amount of one molecule instead of by individual molecules. Another
is to reuse the same CSMs in different anatomical regions. The goal of this proposal is to leverage the
stereotyped, topographical connections of the extended hippocampal network to examine if one receptor-ligand
CSM pair can mediate precise assembly of all nodes of a functional circuit. The extended hippocampal network
consists of connections between CA1, subiculum (Sub), entorhinal cortex (EC), mammillary nucleus (mMN), and
the anteroventral thalamus (AVT). Each node is further subdivided into parallel medial and lateral hippocampal
networks (MHN and LHN, respectively). By postnatal day 8 (P8), all five of these regions have inverse gradients
of the CSMs, Teneurin-3 (Ten-3) and Latrophilin-2 (Lphn-2), restricted to MHN and LHN, respectively. This
complementary expression suggests a ‘Ten3→Ten3, Lphn2→Lphn2’ connectivity rule. In fact, for the CA1→Sub
projection, Ten3-expressing CA1 axons appear to be attracted to Sub-derived Ten3 and repelled by Sub-derived
Lphn2 to precisely target the MHN subdivision of CA1. Conversely, Lphn2-expressing CA1 axons are repelled
by Sub-derived Ten3 to target the LHN. Circuit-wide inverse Ten3 and Lphn2 expression suggests these
mechanisms could be reused broadly. This proposal will assess if the mechanisms of Ten3 homophilic
attraction and Ten3-Lphn2 heterophilic repulsion are recapitulated at each anatomical node within the
extended hippocampal network to mediate precise topographical circuit assembly. Using a combination
of genetic and viral techniques, Ten3 or Lphn2 will be conditionally deleted from each origin and target region in
a series of loss of function manipulations followed by viral circuit-tracing to assess mistargeting. This study
represents the first test of a single receptor-ligand pair mediating the circuit assembly of an entire functional
network. Disruption in wiring is a hallmark of many neurodevelopment and psychiatric disorders, so elucidating
the molecular mechanisms of circuit assembly may lead to therapeutic strategies pertinent to the NIMH mission.
Along with the research aims in this proposal, this fellowship will support additional training technical expertise,
scientific writing, mentorship, and career development. Stanford University will provide the ideal well-equipped,
intellectually diverse, and collaborative environment to complete the proposed study.