Angiogenesis is crucial for tissue homeostasis and growth. Despite extensive studies, it remains unclear how
angiogenesis is spatially and temporally regulated to drive therapeutic neovascularization or conversely to block
vascularization of tumors. Initiation of angiogenesis is a symmetry breaking process across scales: at tissue
level, a blood vessel must asymmetrically generate a new vessel; at cellular level, a polarized endothelial “tip”
cell must break symmetry by remodeling its cell-cell adhesions to initiate migration towards an angiogenic
stimulus. This symmetry break is carefully regulated, as a tip cell must maintain sufficient vascular endothelial
(VE)-cadherin-based adherens junctions with follower “stalk” cells to generate a continuous neovessel. VE-
cadherin remodeling is largely mediated by (1) VE-cadherin endocytosis and recycling and (2) remodeling of
junction-associated actomyosin. As these two processes closely regulate each other, it remains unclear what
initiates and regulates the break in symmetry that permits tip cell migration. To identify new molecular regulators
of VE-cadherin remodeling, VE-cadherin interactors were profiled using unbiased proximal biotinylation (BioID)
and mass spectrometry in Preliminary Studies, revealing Scribble (Scrib). Mice with germline Scrib loss in
literature exhibit developmental vascular defects; however, the subcellular endothelial role of Scrib in human
vascular development remains unclear. Preliminary studies show Scrib localizes at adherens junctions in primary
human microvascular endothelial cells, and this localization is regulated by angiogenic stimuli. Scrib knockout
3D organotypic microvessels exhibit aberrantly increased sprouting. Mechanistically, Scrib regulates VE-
cadherin turnover and junctional actomyosin. The central hypothesis of this proposal is that Scrib regulates
angiogenic symmetry breaking through limiting VE-cadherin remodeling, and this regulation is exerted through
stabilization of junctional actomyosin. This hypothesis will be tested by two Aims: (1) Determine how Scrib
regulates angiogenesis across endothelial tissue and cell scales, and (2) Elucidate molecular
mechanisms by which Scrib regulates VE-cadherin remodeling and endothelial symmetry breaking
during angiogenesis. These Aims leverage engineered vascular models, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of
primary human endothelial cells, and advanced live microscopy to capture unappreciated mechanisms
underlying angiogenic initiation. These research goals will be conducted alongside a comprehensive training
plan at the University of California, San Francisco, including structured conceptual and technical mentorship
from primary sponsor Dr. Matthew Kutys, an expert in endothelial cell-cell adhesions, morphogenesis, and
engineered vascular models. Co-sponsor and physician-scientist Dr. Dean Sheppard will provide further
conceptual, translational, and career mentorship. The applicant will gain additional training by participation in the
Cardiovascular Research Institute at UCSF and structured shadowing experiences with physician-scientists in
vascular biology. Altogether this work will provide invaluable training for an aspiring physician-vascular biologist.