Project Summary
Visual information is processed through a set of neural circuits that organize into functional
maps distributed throughout the thalamus, midbrain, and cerebral cortex. However, little is known
about how circuits develop and organize in the retina, where this information processing begins. The
goal of this proposal is to determine the mechanisms underlying the development of the circuits that
mediate direction selectivity (DS) in the retina. Classic studies show that the distribution of preferred
directions, referred to as the DS map, align with the cardinal axes–– superior-inferior and anterior-
posterior. However, recent characterization has shown that the DS map follows the axes defined by
optic flow. As a result, the DS map across the adult retina changes as a function of location, where
the clusters are orthogonal to one another closer to the optic nerve and become skewed as distance
from the optic nerve increases. This map is present at eye opening. How this complex organization
arises prior to eye opening is not known. This prompts an investigation of the developmental factors
that contribute to the formation of DS maps.
Direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) respond robustly to motion in a preferred direction
and weakly to motion in the opposite, or null, direction. In order to achieve this computation, DSGCs
receive greater synaptic inhibition during null direction motion from starburst amacrine cells (SACs)
via precise wiring patterns. Interestingly, during the developmental period where DSGCs are wiring
up with SACs, the retina is spontaneously active. This activity presents itself as waves propagating
across the surface of the retina––termed retinal waves.
In this proposal, I will explore the role of retinal waves, specifically waves driven by cholinergic
signaling, in the development of DS maps. Additionally, I propose to investigate the synaptic basis
underlying the formation of this distinct organization across the retinal surface. As a first step
towards understanding whether retinal waves influence DS map formation, I will use two-photon
population calcium imaging, genetic tools, and pharmacology to assess how the DS map develops in
the presence and absence of patterned spontaneous activity across development. To achieve this, I
will use a mouse model where cholinergic waves are severely disrupted by knocking out the β2
subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (Aim 1). Moreover, given the extent to which
asymmetric inhibition is necessary for directional tuning, I propose that the tuning of inhibitory inputs
onto DSGCs will change at varied locations in the retina, to account for the skewing of preferred
directions. To test this, I will use two-photon-targeted voltage clamp recordings to unmask the
synaptic basis of this organization (Aim 2). These findings will provide key insights into the
mechanisms that underlie this precise organization during development.