The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Health Center (FSST HC) is seeking federal assistance through the Tribal Management Program’s Project Type Four: Health Management Structure funding opportunity for a 12-month period. The requested federal assistance amount is $100,000.
Health Management Structure is key for the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Health Center (FSST HC) to be able to deliver high-quality and effective healthcare for our tribal community as well as surrounding communities not included in our immediate service area. IT infrastructure is a key part of infrastructure and often considered the backbone, unfortunately, the current IHS IT infrastructure (IHS EHR/RPMS solution and D1 network domain) and limited IT staff at the tribal facility does not provide the health management structure necessary to support the FSST HC’s long-term success given the timeframe laid out by IHS for the Modernization Project. Consequently, FSST HC is proposing to improve our Health Management Structure through this TMG opportunity. This will be done in a two-phase approach where we will work with IT consultants to review our current IT infrastructure and Health Information Technology (HIT) needs to formulate a proforma that identifies the costs, resources, and considerations on the impact of moving off the IHS D1 domain and consideration of an EHR solution other than the IHS Enterprise Cerner/Oracle solution.
The primary project objective is to comprehensively assess the capital, intellectual capacity, expertise, and infrastructure requirements necessary for transitioning to a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) System. This transition aims to move FSST HC away from the currently used IHS EHR/Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) and the IHS D1 computer domain. The project will culminate in a detailed evaluation of the resources needed for a new EHR system, including an EHR vendor recommendation that aligns with FSST HC's patient care and reporting requirements.
Given the Indian Health Service's (IHS) initiation of the EHR Modernization Project, which clearly documents the need to replace the RPMS EHR system, the project seeks to build upon this foundation. FSST HC aims to identify a forward-looking solution that not only addresses current limitations but also positions FSST HC for future sustainability, technological advancements, and improved health care delivery throughout our tribal community. FSST HC’s leadership and staff that is extremely committed to the success of this project as they realize the impact a new EHR presents for the health and care of our patients and tribal community.
The expected outcome of this Health Management Structure project will provide FSST’s leadership with a true cost and impact on services resulting from moving away from the IHS D1 network and not waiting for the proposed IHS EHR enterprise (Oracle/Cerner) solution. Specifically, in regards to capital expenses, annual operating expenses, impact of software licensing and staffing required to successfully implement, maintain and support an IT and EHR solution that will provide improved health and services to our tribal community. FSST Tribal Leadership and the FSST HC leadership share the common goal of finding an IT/EHR solution that is best for the overall health outcomes of the tribal community and secondarily a solution that that will support FSST HC’s long-term financial success, as IHS has never been funded to 100% of the need.