The HealthVisions Midwest Community Level Innovations for Improving Health Outcomes (CLIIHO) Project addresses the local conditions that contribute to the disproportionate burden the diabetes epidemic has on African American and Hispanic populations residing in Allen and Lake Counties Indiana. Non-Hispanic Blacks (12.1%) and Hispanics (11.8%) lead the nation in incidences of non-gestational adult diabetes (CDC, 2022.). With 8.4% of Americans diagnosed with diabetes nationwide, the CDC further approximates Type 2 Diabetes represents between 90% and 95% of all cases. Unlike Type 1 with no known preventative measures, Type 2 is preventable. The CLIIHO Project’s target area includes two of the most populous counties in northern Indiana–Allen and Lake. Source: ACS, 2023.
Both Allen and Lake Counties experienced a tremendous increase in diagnosed diabetes over the past 20 years—up 68% (10.1%) and 37.5% (11%) respectively from 2004 to 2021. Statewide, Blacks and Hispanics followed suit at 15.6% combined; up from 11.5% and 8.2% during the same period. (USDSS, 2021.) The disproportionality in diagnosed diabetes has been linked with social, economic, and environmental disadvantages that have persisted in our target communities for generations (HP2020, Phase 1 Report, 2008). This project has strategically identified the following social determinants of health (SDOH) and associated leading health indicator (LHI) targets. The first SDOH addresses Health Care Access and Quality. More specifically, increasing the proportion of adults who get recommended evidence based preventive health care (HP2030, AHS-08). The second SDOH targets the Social and Community Context domain and considers the proportion of adults who talk to friends or family about their health – HC/HIT-04. HealthVisions CLIIHO Project will target two Leading Health Indicators (LHI) with evidence-based programming and strategies selected to meet the unique needs of our target communities. They include LHI-D-01: Reducing the number of diabetes cases diagnosed yearly, and LHI-D-06: Increase the proportion of people with diabetes who get formal diabetes education. Over the four-year project period HealthVIsions will have served over 12,000 unique individuals with community outreach and support services and a minimum of 2,400 with diabetes self-management education and support services utilizing the Diabetes Empowerment and Education Program.