The Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri-St. Louis will develop a community-level innovation designed to address drug overdose deaths, which are a key target in the Leading Health Indicators (LHI), along with related challenges such as substance use and mental health issues among our population of focus (POF), African American youth and young adults aged 13-24 living in St. Louis City and North St. Louis County. To make progress toward reducing drug overdose deaths, we will measure increased knowledge about risks of substance use, reduced substance use, improved mental health well-being, and access to preventive health services among our POF. Our goal is to mitigate health inequalities concerning substance use, mental health, and healthcare access within our target population. We will focus on two domains of social determinants of health (SDOH): Education Access and Quality, and Health Care Access and Quality. Trained curricula facilitators will deliver an integrated substance use and mental health prevention intervention to African American youth and young adults and a program navigator, an on-site counselor, and project partners will refer and link program participants to needed preventive health services. A Health Prevention Hub will serve as a central resource and focal point for promoting health and well-being among our project participants. We aim to reach 960 members of the population of focus over the four-year grant cycle.