To meet the workforce needs of biomanufacturing firms in Kansas, including the recently announced decision by Scorpius Biomanufacturing to locate its commercial-scale biomanufacturing facility in Manhattan, K-State proposes to create a Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC). The center will include biomanufacturing equipment that supports training for all phases of modern biomanufacturing processes. The BTEC will be configured with state-of-the-art equipment and software that prepares students to transfer immediately to jobs across the biomanufacturing and bioprocessing sectors. This includes upstream processing, the first stage of biomanufacturing that focuses on cell line development and cultivation, as well as downstream processing, where the highly valuable biological products that result are produced at scale. Multiple levels of training and education are needed for available and future jobs in biomanufacturing. K-State is working closely with Scorpius and other companies to understand those needs and is working in partnership with Manhattan Area Technical College to deliver training programs that span pre-college, associate's level, bachelor's level, and graduate level programs as well as non-degree, certificate, and skills-based training. Not only will the creation of a dedicated biomanufacturing training and education center (facilities and programs) support the rapidly growing needs of biomanufacturing companies in Kansas, but it will also establish a pathway and a means to retain students in the state by preparing them for well-paying jobs. K-State plans to renovate an existing structure, built in 1949, to upfit it into a biomanufacturing training facility and working biomanufacturing facility that can produce vaccines and other biologics for industry. The new facility will meet NIH requirements for BSL-2 containment and be designed and engineered in accordance with all relevant codes, standards, and gui
des to meet USDA clean room production standards. The facility will be made ADA accessible and have dedicated space for production and training. Sustainable design principles will be followed throughout the project.