The Birthing Center site will be located at 600 Crown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213, in the Crown Heights neighborhood about 1.3 miles from our main clinical campus. SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University (Downstate) will be leasing approximately 8,000 square feet (8,057 sq ft) of the 600 Crown Street property that is currently being built. The birthing center will provide a local, non-hospital setting alternative to low-risk patients who have historically delivered their babies at home. A large portion of the residents living in this neighborhood, who have a much higher birth rate than the rest of New York City, leave Brooklyn for their deliveries (approximately 40%), and a large number of women deliver at home with sometimes untoward outcomes and need to rush to a hospital. The CDS funding will be used for two purposes: 1) purchase of medical equipment; and 2) construction of the space to ensure that it meets New York State Department of Health codes for a birthing center. This will be a design/build project. The renovated space will include 4 birthing rooms, 1 procedure room, and front and back office and support spaces for the staff. Schematic design drawings for the space are expected by the end of this year. The entire project is estimated to cost just under $5M. The lease has not yet been finalized. Downstate leadership has signed a Letter of Intent to show our commitment to the property owner with moving forward with this project (Attachment A – Letter of Intent). The floor plans, completed Environmental Checklist, and signed lease (Attachment B - Draft Lease Agreement) are forthcoming.