Using a high-touch, high-tech strategy, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) will establish an
ombudsman program to assist an estimated 4.5 million uninsured Texans obtain health care coverage and to
help millions of insured Texans make more informed choices about their health insurance options. Our
approach to the ombudsman program is guided by our significant experience in consumer protection
activities, the Texas regulatory framework, an interagency team approach to federal health reform
implementation, our state’s population (nearly 25 million), extremely diverse demography, and vast
geographic size. Our objectives are to help Texans understand their rights and responsibilities under federal
health reform and Texas law through a statewide educational campaign, and to assist individual consumers
with insurance questions, applications, enrollment, complaints, and appeals to obtain health coverage. We
will help consumers where they live, work, and receive health care by leveraging