The Fresno American Indian Health Project (FAIHP) is an American Indian non-profit organization that is recognized by the Indian Health Service (IHS) as an Urban Indian Health Program under Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, PL 94-437. Since 2007, FAIHP has maintained a long-standing presence as a trusted community advocate and service provider to Native American residents of Fresno and surrounding areas. Since 2010, when initially awarded Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI funding), the organization has provided suicide prevention services aimed at creating awareness, particularly stigma reduction; implemented peer learning programs; and built internal capacity with medical and behavioral health care coordination services.
FAIHP serves a client population representative of over 120 tribes across the nation, whom currently reside in Fresno County.
The proposed Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention (SPIP) program will expand the work previously started from the past MSPI, by continuing to offer behavioral health referrals, resources, and structured prevention services from not only youth, but to adult AI/AN community members.
FAIHP’s SPIP program will include activities related to prevention, intervention, and postvention of suicide ideations, suicide attempts, and suicides among our AI/AN population. The primary purpose of this program is to reduce the prevalence of suicide among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) peoples in Fresno County by:
Fostering coalitions and networks to improve care coordination by educating staff, partners, and community members about suicide ideation and impacts of suicide.
Increasing behavioral health care services by developing a strategic plan to address needs using culturally appropriate evidence-based and practice-based models
Increasing access to culturally appropriate prevention activities for youth that focus on protective factors against suicide ideation.
Creating a community-based strategic plan to address the long-term suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention needs.
These services will help to build resilience and self-sufficiency for the AI/AN population living in and near Fresno. The project will also continue to foster exposure to traditional cultural practices that support health and wellbeing.