Abstract: All Together
To reduce the prevalence of suicide among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) in the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) of Alaska, Fairbanks Native Association (FNA) has developed All Together. The purpose of All Together is to provide comprehensive, culturally appropriate behavioral health services that reduce the prevalence of suicide among AI/AN in the FNSB. All Together will increase access to comprehensive, culturally appropriate health care services and promote quality programming to address Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention (SPIP).
When we all work together, we can reduce AI/AN suicide. This program was titled “All Together” because it uses a community-driven context that emphasizes cross-system collaboration and the inclusion of family, youth, and community resources. All Together fills identified gaps in suicide care to create a synergistic system of care. The key program partner is the Interagency Transition Council (ITC), an 18 member community coalition that represents the AI/AN behavioral health system of care for the FNSB. ITC members include leadership staff of decision-making levels from local organizations that represent a comprehensive range of service domains for wellness and recovery support, including social services, behavioral health, primary health care, education, government, cultural/spiritual, employment, housing, and law enforcement. ITC members also include AI/AN Elders, youth, suicide survivors, and people with family members who died by suicide.
The goals of All Together are 1) improve SPIP care coordination; 2) expand behavioral health services to address suicide; 3) implement early intervention strategies for youth; and 4) expand early intervention strategies for adults. It accomplishes these goals by improving service coordination, implementing new SPIP evidence-based programs, expanding health system policies and protocols, and establishing referral agreements with new providers. It also increases community awareness of SPIP services, provides communitywide education on prevention and intervention, and develops an ITC Suicide Prevention Council Community, a Suicide Response Team, and an AI/AN Community Suicide Response Plan.