By introducing a new model of integrated care, for this Indian Health Services Behavioral Health 2I (BH2I) Spirits Soar Project, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Health Department plans to establish a new level of service. Tribal Health is determined to use its relationships and professional network as a foundation that will raise understanding of integrating behavioral health into primary care by expanding and strengthen existing systems, increasing local capacity, embedding tribal cultural concepts, and helping primary care providers be more informed about the target population. Overall, leading to system’s solutions while enhancing options for behavioral health services, reducing stigmas associated with seeking care, and improving the long-term health outcomes for families and children from the community.
The new Co-located Collaborative Care (CCC) Model being pursued by Tribal Health, operates under the assumption that all Tribal Health staff and employees contribute to and are responsible for good patient care. Staff will continue to facilitate processes for warm hand-offs, efficiency, and non-repetitious appointments, as well as provide on-going interdisciplinary staff education in regard to patient care. This CCC Model is over-arching the Primary Care Mental Health Integration Model, or in the CSKT Tribal Health case, Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration (PCBHI). The new CSKT CCC Integrated Health Model will include the concepts, standards, and approaches of evidence-based models, with adaptations to provide appropriate services and delivery methods to the Flathead Reservation. Patient and staff satisfaction evaluations, measurement based outcomes, and model efficacy will be monitored on a continuous basis via Quality Assurance and improvement practices to guarantee TH meets client needs. Increasing awareness, empathy, and advocacy around decolonization and historical trauma with education amongst providers and health care workers will lead to better health outcomes and a more connected model of care. By instilling a holistic arc that reaches the individual and the whole, TH plans to reduce behavioral health presentments, increase life expectancy, and help the next generation understand that better options, choices, and possibilities do exist. TH proposes activities to better connect all providers, recognizing the value in working with each patient and their family under an approach encapsulating the entire person-emotional, physical, cultural, and spiritual.
An important aspect of the new integrated model is culture. After a century of forced assimilation, placing the tribal population in a space where their culture and language are in jeopardy, Tribal Health is taking every step to guarantee this project is relevant, worthwhile, and beneficial to its clients.
With the innovations and partnerships proposed, the project will reduce the recidivism rate of patients with SUD and COD, improve patient experience and satisfaction, increase primary care provider staff knowledge of tribal culture and historical trauma, improve patient support systems, and gain better outcomes for those dealing with behavioral health presentments by offering targeted services, outreach, and prevention strategies that focus on the specific needs of each patient and their family. Expanded services and access to care for those dealing with behavioral health presentments through improved community education, new partnerships, and higher levels of outreach will be a cornerstone of the project. The project will provide an Annual Community Awareness Campaign showcasing the CCC Model, resources, behavioral health services, and partner programs across the Flathead Reservation, connecting to at least 10,000 people through social media, radio, printed materials, and personal interaction.