The prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD) among women giving birth more than quadrupled from 1999-2014, corresponding directly with the 433% increase in neonatal abstinence syndrome diagnoses in the same period. Overdose deaths have continued to climb, with an estimated 1,250 overdose deaths in Philadelphia in 2021. Drug-related events are becoming the leading preventable cause of death among pregnant and postpartum women. Less than one in 10 of these women seek substance use treatment, however, likely due to barriers such as siloed care delivery systems, fear of custody loss, stigma, systemic racism, and lack of childcare and transportation. We propose to address these barriers by creating a web-based educational tool, called Mothers’ Support and Health In Pregnancy and Parenting (MotherSHIPP).
The goals of MotherSHIPP are to: 1) Strengthen support structures for pregnant and postpartum women with a substance use disorder (SUD) by creating a technologically innovative outreach product that provides mobile education, peer support, and motivation for treatment, and 2) Improve health outcomes and reduce deaths during the perinatal and postpartum time periods. To accomplish these goals, we will adapt an existing web-based tool that reduced parental stress among mothers with a serious mental illness for women with SUD. We will develop new modules on the intersection SUD, pregnancy and postpartum, and update the technology for delivery via iOS or android app. Modules will cover key milestones throughout this timeframe and strategies for managing your SUD. We will evaluate MotherSHIPP, testing the hypotheses that women who use MotherSHIPP will experience decreased parental stress, increased treatment engagement, and decreases in cravings and substance use.